Cunts on Ghost Bikes

Was he badly broken? Were you able to fix him?

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If you were a car you would be at fault for not leaving sufficient stopping distance In front of you.


Thankfully no damage was done and we were both able to (narrowly) avoid being run down by this careless menace who should be locked up.

No indeed, the car that swung wildly into my lane without warning would have been at fault.

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You would have been at fault for crashing into the person in front of you.


Oh yeah that’s possibly true, good point.

You were cycling without due care and attention being too close to the bicycle in front of you. If you had done what you had done as a motorist you would be looking at a claim and a massive dint to your no claims bonus. Fortunately you are a cyclists and you don’t have to take any consequences for your own negligence.


Indeed. It was wet which increased my stopping distance. And in my haste to cross the crossing safely and reach the safety (or so I thought) of the cycle lane at the other side, I didn’t account for a daft woman veering wildly into the cycle lane without warning where numerous cyclists would be passing at that hour of the morning. A near fatal error on my behalf.

Luckily as you point out I am a feckless cyclist with no care or responsibility to anyone or anything on the roads, and so in the eyes of the law I am untouchable for my tipping into the back of the cyclist* in front of me.

*he was a nice man who asked if I was ok and we exchanged brief comments and shook our heads knowingly at the carelessness of the driver and the struggles that we cyclists face on our daily commute.

It’s a general rule for cycling as well. If you smash into the back of someone else, it’s your problem.

A top notch self mugging off for tinkerbell. Its almost like he wanted to bang into the behind of the gentleman in front of him.


You bleat on so much about the misdemeanours of motorists that surely a motorist veering wildly ( which didn’t happen by the way ) into the cycle path was a foreseeable event and by not increasing your stopping distance to allow for this you were by definition negligent.

Imagine a child on back of the bike in front of @glasagusban

Doesn’t bear thinking about really as the big horn on the front of @glasagusban bike could have done serious damage to an infant


Jaysus what were you searching when you found that you cunt. The picture of the two pigs that come up at the end!

Cant say I saw any pigs, but it popped up on paddy power on facebook. Its always amusing to watch townie cunts struggle with an electric fence.



you’d want your head examined to cycle a bike in London, there;s 3 or 4 of them killed every week