Cunts on Ghost Bikes

He wants to ban rickshaws as well because it would be easier than regulating them.

Apparently it’s for public safety but there’s no evidence presented that it’s a public safety issue.

The man is completely incompetent.


He is so reactionary he should be nowhere near a cabinet table.

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He doesn’t read briefs or do anything he needs to, rarely in the office, erratic decision making, only wants to talk about things that are not in his remit eg judges.

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He finished bottom of his class in Arts in Trinity.


Absolutely ridiculous. Who the fuck votes for these fools.

Single issue voters.
He’s the Healy Rae of Dublin Rathdown.

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He is a running joke amongst the folks on Leeson Street.

About as useful as finishing top in Arts I suppose.


@flattythehurdler is looking well there.

They have other contenders in there I can tell you that.

I’ve never heard it from senior members of the department (too political), but people one step away from the department who would have regular/daily interaction and would know department members on a social basis. It doesn’t surprise anyway that he gives it the “let’s just shut them down, it’s too difficult to regulate” line. He is lazy and has no interest in doing anything of difficulty, he just throws shapes in the media on occasion and pursues local issues. The previous two Ministers in that department were open to things, he isn’t.

I can’t really think of a worse parliamentarian in the last 20 years. He had years with a national platform to pontificate about all sorts of topics and many of those topics he has a direct say over now. But he does nothing. At least the Healy Rae’s don’t have much interest in cabinet.


He’s a bluffer

I would wager a whole lot that the “it’s too difficult to regulate let’s just shut it down” line didn’t originate with Ross, and I reckon I know who it did come from.

The person who finished first in that class was the eminent historian Roy Foster.

Roy won’t be making the celeb spotting thread, let’s face it.

He has made a far greater contribution to human discourse than you or I in fairness.

There’s another low bar, speaking for myself.

Guess who just called to my door apropos of nothing


Helen Dixon?

The guys from operation Yewtree ?