Cunts on Ghost Bikes

Shur it would fuck up your hair?

Australia is behind the times re bike helmets

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Cyclists are behind the times, mate.

I wear one of these inflatable helmets. I bought it in California twenty years ago.

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did you?

how much did it set you back?

2 grand

You can get them now for 299

signing in also, only downside is I’m on my 3rd one

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Does it still work?

Did they make a special model to fit your head size?

I want one and I want it right now.

It’s inflatable mate,

Why are you on your 3rd one, bro? Only good for 1 crash?

Yep,that’s the fault, if you have a slight fall you will be seething at wasting 200 blips.

Well that was the issue a few years back

Small price to pay for looking that fucking cool though, right?

Agreed, it compliments my kangol jump boots perfectly

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I wish you’d desist with those, mate.

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Welcome return to the airwaves there on the News for Sergeant Tony Davis, advising cyclists to lock their bikes or they might be stolen


Lads I discovered one of the spokes on the back wheel of my bike was disconnected from the rim today. Not sure if it just happened or has been like that for a while. I ended up fiddling around with it and made a bollix of it so in the end I had pull it out. Do I need to get something done asap or will it be grand. Im just after doing 7 miles on it and all We met fine. Also is it an easy fix or will I need to replace the whole wheel? I’ve attached a picture for reference.

Probably won’t make any difference. Can be replaced.

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Kristina Vogel :frowning: