Cunts on Ghost Bikes

What rule did the cyclist break?

he overtook a car in a line of traffic and effectively created two lanes where there should have only been one. If he waited behind so he was visible and could see what was coming this wouldn’t have happened. If the driver turned the corner correctly, this wouldn’t have happened.

Equal blame for both.


The laws of fashion with that gear anyway.

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he saw how tight it was when the white jeep passed by him with barely a foot to spare and the knob kept going up.

My general rule is that the car is bigger than me and you can’t underestimate the stupidity of the driver therefore play the percentages.


I’m the same with cyclists. I’m in a bigger vehicle and you can’t underestimate their stupidity.

I give them a wide berth.

I’m terrified of cyclists

Ok. And what rule did he break?

I get as close as possible to them and edge them into the curb / off the road … cycling is for wankers.


When I drive I hate cyclists and when I cycle I hate drivers. Simple!


A very bitter individual.

More like balanced.

Cyclists generally can’t overtake on the right as they should never be outside the primary position which is the centre of the lane… to give them the best view left and right

and they can’t overtake on the inside if the car ahead is turning left.

The cyclist is equally at fault here.

You don’t have to make it a big liberal agenda thing.

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Oh he does.

I’m beginning to see patterns alright

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Seriously mate, don’t you overtake stationary cars on a bike?
You’re being a little unfair in your commentary imo, the white jeep came nowhere near him, he was in a position to see clearly to his left, he was rolling so as to getaway quickly, standard procedure id have thought, the entire car cut the corner, I really don’t understand what the cyclist has done wrong

I don’t cycle. He was completely blocked out by the car to his left. He couldn’t see or be seen from anything coming from the left.

All he had to do was wait his turn and this was avoidable.

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So he didn’t break any rules and you just made that up?

A cyclist turning right should be on the right.

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Not next to a car tho ffs… behind the car - there’s no two lanes there. That’s not excusing the driver

a cyclist should wait until they can get to the front of the queue safely. Not overtake two stationary cars on a tight t-junction.

Here’s an idea.