Decent Journalism


God he’s painful.

I see the athletic has now launched in the uk. From a quick perusal it appears to be very association football based with the likes of Michael Cox writing full time for it.

I have a US subscription but assume the more general articles will trickle over

I checked with @Rocko this morning and he told me not to subscribe.

Decent read here…


very good read here about the culture in boeing following the 737 max crashes, some scary stuff. youd want your head examined to get in one of them yokes, itll be the ruination of ryanair


Hopefully this is good quality.

Seems quite interesting - juicy enough subscription model though in the absence of knowing the quality (or quantity)

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Who the fuck are The Currency

Keep up ffs sake

They’ve got on board some big investors and also have a lot of the professional services firms taking bulk subs.

It could well work - the only thing is that these are often the first expenses to gonin a downturn.

Are they like the Liberal?

The paywall is down at the moment so gives a chance to sample the articles. Big article on Sean Quinn in there at the moment which is a bit topical

Who the fuck are you

Denis O Brien is doing his best for this country and you’ve snowflakes like these trying to hold him back

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Very interesting re sale to prof services firms. I was wondering if they would root out 3 or 4 k susbscribers at that price. Twice the cost of SBP on a monthly basis?

Some good stuff on it today if they can maintain the standard.

Hope it does well

I see they have landed a few more high profile football journalists in the likes of Daniel Taylor and Oliver Kay recently.

This is an outstanding read


I see Deadspin is pretty much finished after the clash between owners and editors.

Had gone downhill since the bankruptcy and ownership change but this will surely finish it. Shame really.