Derek Mooney

Derek Mooney has started an energy saving campaign, where he encourages listeners to turn off unnecessary electronic devices; he calls it the “switch-a-thon.” Being the incredibly witty person i am i have two issues with this:

  • surely they should be turning off their radios as that is unneccessary
  • and surely it should be called the “switch-a-toff”

Well what do you expect from a founding member of “the Mooneys”

I thought this thread would be about something else.

Derek tried it on with my brother-in-law once. Oh yeah and cesc4 too. Allegedly in both instances of course.

did you mean to say course or inter course??


Derek broke an arm during a lost weekend in a hotel room in Amsterdam (Lloyd Cole reference accidental) when trying to “change a light-bulb”, that was the excuse in the press. Therefore I’m in admiration at his willingness to face up to any electrical issues.

That was the excuse Michael Hutchence had lined up before things went pear shaped too.