Diego Maradona Appreciation Thread

Definitely harder play in an era where the shit was kicked out of you.

Football peaked at Euro 2000.


Totti was at his peak in that tournament.


I played a decent level of adult soccer for 20 years.

Lads were definitely fitter by the time I finished up but the younger lads were very naive and soft

It was definitely a lot more individual based though. As Big Jack said they all played the same, slow pace and give it to the playmaker and the team with the best playmaker won

It was an emotive time. A lot of British lives were lost liberating the Falklands from the war mongering Argies. It was disappointing to lose the soccer match but if you had to pick one, winning over Galtieri and the generals of the junta was the important one.


That’s fucking deadly.


bate the limey cunts on his own Maradona > any ingurland 11

Sometimes you just have to laugh

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Isn’t that just wonderful. Imagine the seethe if @ChairmanDan had to walk past that every day


He’s from Carlow so :man_shrugging:

Steven was a quality player

Wilson has been busy the last few days. @myboyblue posted the football weekly piece which was lovely.

However Des Cahill had him on the other morning on Morning Ireland and it was beyond cringe. Cahill is just a horrendous journalist.

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Wilson said in the 16 hours since Diego died he got 3 hours sleep. FW is his home, they gave him the road and let him drive. It was perfect. Angels with dirty faces indeed.

That bit where he described the Argentinean footballer/child was spooky,they were basically describing Maradona 40 years before he was born.


It was perfection. They could have ended it there.

But Marcella :heart_eyes:

If a statue was to be erected to the soul of the Argentinian game, El Gráfico’s editor Borocotó wrote in 1928, it would depict “a pibe [urchin] with a dirty face, a mane of hair rebelling against the comb; with intelligent, roving, trickster and persuasive eyes and a sparkling gaze that seem to hint at a picaresque laugh that does not quite manage to form on his mouth, full of small teeth that might be worn down through eating yesterday’s bread.

“His trousers are a few roughly sewn patches; his vest with Argentinian stripes, with a very low neck and with many holes eaten out by the invisible mice of use … His knees covered with the scabs of wounds disinfected by fate; barefoot or with shoes whose holes in the toes suggest they have been made through too much shooting. His stance must be characteristic; it must seem as if he is dribbling with a rag ball.”


Wilson ran a quiz every Monday during the first lockdown on his Blizzard page. 20 questions, 2 marks each. You’d be delighted to get 20 points. His books are so well researched. I read Behind the curtain this year and it was excellent. I must get his latest one about Hungary.


Went to see Italy and Argentina in a friendly in Rome around then. ‘Twas onrale.

Also Brazil Italy in the pre World Cup tournament in France in 97. 3-3 also onrale.