Disinformation and demagoguery

He went so far left that he circled around to the right.

That post amounts to nothing more than “I hate Monbiot”. There’s no constructive engagement with anything he says.

Have you ever considered that Monbiot may be correct?

He’s objectively correct about Russell Brand, in fact he was far too kind to him in what he wrote because there is clearly an embarrassment and a guilt on his part at having praised Brand previously, yet there is also a naive and desperate desire to still somehow think better of somebody he previously liked on a personal level, than that person, Brand, deserves.

Brand has absolutely chosen a path of far right conspiracism and is on the road to being another Alex Jones.

He has done this certainly for $$$$$$$$$, that’s one reason, but I think it’s obvious that he has also been genuinely radicalised into a far right way of thinking.

Brand has always had the gift of an entertainer in terms of waffling shite. But he is not any sort of an intellectual, on an intellectual level he’s as thick as shit, and does not have the critical tools to navigate the information eco-system on a basic level.

In terms of his nose for money and attention, he very much knows what he’s doing alright.

Far right demagoguery = $$$$$$$$.

Can you tell me what you offer on this forum except slavish defence of fascists? Genuinely. I don’t see you posting on anything else except defending fascism.

You have the same posting style as @ProjectX, who also spent their entire time on this forum defending and promoting fascists.

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If you’ve missed it you’re not looking very hard.

Rumble’s video platform is popular among American right,[16][33][34] and far-right users,[35][36][37][38] and has been described as part of “alt-tech” by various observers.[39][40][41][42]

Using data from February 2021, researchers noted that several content creators have gained a receptive audience on Rumble after their productions have been pulled from YouTube or Facebook. They include Del Bigtree, Sherri Tenpenny, and Simone Gold.[43][44][45] According to a June 2021 article from Slate, “Pavlovski has recently become more outspoken in accusing Big Tech of censorship and now actively courts prominent conservatives and intellectual dark web figures to join Rumble.”[11] It also hosts Truth Social[46] Other channels on Rumble have included America’s Funniest Home Videos, Jimmy Dore, Alex Jones of InfoWars, American broadcasting company E. W. Scripps Company, Truly, Hodgetwins, cable news channels Newsmax and One America News Network (OAN), Russian state-controlled international television network RT, and news agency organization Reuters.[6][9][24][47] According to Reuters, Rumble is a customer of Reuters which pays to host the agency’s content.[48] In August 2021, Rumble announced deals with former Democratic Representative Tulsi Gabbard and The Intercept founder Glenn Greenwald to start posting their videos to the site.[49]

As of August 15, 2022, Rumble reported 78 million monthly active users (MAU).[2] That month, after being banned from most other platforms for hate speech and harmful conduct, kickboxer and social media personality Andrew Tate began posting on Rumble. Tate’s move coincided with a significant increase in downloads of the Rumble app.[50][51]

Brand is also a mate of Tucker Carlson’s now.

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He’ll be sadly missed who ever he was

Vanessa Beeley, self styled “independent journalist”, in reality a spreader of propaganda and disinformation for the Putin and Assad regimes.

In today’s #vatniksoup I’ll introduce a British blogger and propagandist, Vanessa Beeley (@VanessaBeeley). She’s best-known for spreading conspiracy theories and disinformation about both the Syrian civil war and about the Russo-Ukrainian War.


Beeley is a daughter of a former diplomat from the UK, Harold Beeley. Like so many other “independent journalist” who defends dictator-ruled regimes around the world, Vanessa started her blogging career writing about the Palestine-Israel conflict.

Then in 2015, she started focusing on the Syrian civil war. In 2016 she met Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Damascus as part of a US Peace Council. She later described the event as her “proudest moment”. Beeley was also on the steering committee for the Syria Solidarity Movement, an association that has received almost 2 million USD in support from undisclosed donors. This association supports the Syrian Social Nationalist Party, a fascist and “rabidly anti-Semitic” political party.

After Syria, Vanessa naturally moved on to Russia, where she met with Russia’s deputy foreign minister Mikhail Bogdanov and Maria Zakharova. Bogdanov has been described as one of the main strategists for Syria in Russia.

Beeley’s been appearing frequently on RT and Sputnik, providing a pro-al-Assad and pro-Russian point of view on the war.

Like so many like her, Vanessa has received the “Serena Shim Award for Uncompromised Integrity in Journalism” from a pro-Assad lobby group the Association for Investment in Popular Action Committees. Other prominent activists that have received this prestigious award are Jackson “Z” Hinkle, the “MAGA communist” grifter, and Max Blumenthal, the Grayzone blogger.

It was suggested that Beeley was a finalist for the Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism, however it was later revealed that there are no finalists for said award and only winners are published.

As a “journalist”, Vanessa has published some weird takes on world events. Some examples include calling the Human Rights Watch a “fake” NGO, claiming that the Charlie Hebdo shooting was a false flag operation, and that Al-Qaeda had nothing to do with 9/11.


Beeley is part of the Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media, which is another pro-Assad group that tries to defame the White Helmets. White Helmets are a group of people who help Syrian civilians in war zones.

They have also documented bombings of hospitals and use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime, and for this reason they have been a target of disinformation campaigning for years.

Beeley has suggested together with the Russian government that they are connected to Al-Qaeda and that they are involved, among other things, in organ harvesting. She has also suggested that the group is a “legitimate military target”.

Hackers hacked and obtained Beeley’s private Facebook conversations with the blogger Scott Gaulke, where she admitted that the Syrian government has tortured but that she would never say it publicly.


Vanessa was one of the “foreign observers” in the sham vote for the annexation of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson. Russia accepted anyone who’d come to “observe the legality of the vote”, and she was of course one of the volunteers.


James Delingpole interviewed Beeley on Rumble in Oct, 2022, and the whole thing was pure comedy. They showed the West as a main source of disinformation, whereas Russia was presented as a beacon of truth.

They also said that the Russian economy is thriving she even called herself an “independent delegate” for the annexation vote. She also claimed that Russia hasn’t committed any war crimes and that many Ukrainian refugees she has interviewed have praised Russia.

Beeley is a big fan of the conspiracy theory “deep state”, and often refers to this in her rambles. She’s also shared several conspiracy theories about COVID-19. Vanessa’s also claimed that she’s on a “UK kill list” along with 300 children, but it is unclear if she actually referred to Myrotvorets, a list of who the authors call to be “enemies of Ukraine”. At some point pro-Russians started calling it a “official Ukrainian government kill list”, which it of course isn’t: disinfowatch.org/disinfo/russia…


Even though Beeley is mostly focusing on events in Syria, he’s still a prominent figure in spreading Russian disinformation and propaganda, even participating in their hoax referendums.

I see marjorie Taylor greene and AOC have voted to pull US troops out of Syria. The motion was defeated.

Real book burning nazi stuff there from Brand in that four minute clip posted to prove that he was indeed that.

He believes in spirituality, community and acceptance of the difference of others - :sweat_smile:

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You’re deliberately ignoring reality. But no surprise there. Smileys are not an argument, though several laughing smileys would be justified in response to your understanding of what Brand is.

Brand openly associates with the Trumps, Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones. He’s on the Rumble platform, where the far right all goes, for a reason. That reason is he is aiming far right conspiracist QAnon level bullshit at a far right audience for $$$$$$$$.

Whist… There’s some gold being put down here.

Have you listened to him speak rather than him checking boxes for your mentally depraved far right checklist?

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Yes, unfortunately I have, which is how I know what he is.

And unfortunately I’ve read enough of your gibberish to know what you are.

Mentally depraved would be a good way of putting it.

It’s remarkable how those who like to style themselves as world weary cynics tend to choose to be the most gullible of all when they see pied piper demagogues. You fall right into that category.

I am indeed but I’m not wrong on this.

Jesus befriended all sort of rogues lest we forget. You don’t make peace with those who agree with you sadly. Russel Brand is a good sort- he was once an attention seeking annoyance and now look at him?


You are objectively completely wrong.

Brand is a corrupt far right demagogue who trades in lies and propaganda.

Nobody should ever make peace with that, because these people are a clear and present danger to free society and liberal democracy.

Andrew Bridgen MP thinks the US government created Covid in order to “control” everybody through forced vaccinations.

He also thought every person in the UK was automatically entitled to an Irish passport.

Who knows, perhaps the US and Chinese governments independently created the exact same artificial virus at the exact same time and released it at the exact same time, and the moon is made from cheese.

Coprophagic. Look it up.

Lozza Fox would rank close to the top of my list of people I’d least like to sit beside on a long haul flight.


With particular reference to the Covid pandemic, this is a decent attempt at describing how the temptation of a greatly expanded audience, notoriety, clicks and money leads people to destroy their integrity and embrace charlatanism.

We’ve all wondered why scientists or MDs “turn”. How respected folk can find themselves deep in the anti-vax community.

It’s a decidedly simple (but dangerous and malicious) process.

Below is a thread on how people become “red pilled.” :thread:

Imagine you’re a YouTuber and you think you explain science well.Imagine you’ve built a loyal following on mostly reliable stuff and get 50k-ish views per video.

Now imagine you dip your toe into contrarian waters: there’s this new drug: ivermectin. :thread: /1

You read a meta-analysis which is favourable and you have on your show an enthusiastic guest with all the right qualifications.

This seems legit! Could this work? Is science missing out on something big? Have you stumbled onto the cure for COVID-19? /2

Suddenly… 700k views! With those extra views comes a SIGNIFICANT bump in revenue. You’re now earning fairly substantial amounts.

You go back to the fuddy, “mainstream” stuff, and interest in your videos tanks. You’re back to 50k again (and minimal cash). /3

So you once again do something controversial. You start “wondering” about the vaccine.

Views skyrocket. People in the comments are telling you what an extraordinary truth-seeker you are. What a great mind. Someone not beholden to “Big Pharma”.

Meanwhile, additional evidence has come to light that ivermectin is a bust. That early meta-analysis is flawed and it now seems like your enthusiasm was misplaced.

You can talk about this, but there’s a hitch… /5

Subscribers & views continue to increase rapidly. But it’s clear what they’re there for: C19 contrarianism & skepticism.

You know this from the comments. You know this from the attention you receive from other prominent skeptics & outlets.

Antivax conferences are calling…/5

Suddenly, for the first time, you’re IMPORTANT. Lots of people out there care what you say (in the science world you were small-fry).

You’re on tv. You’re being interviewed. From obscurity, you’re now a name.

You’re also making very good money. /6

But you’re not alone. Other folk are also making videos. To stand out, they’re making wilder & wilder claims. So to keep up, you need to escalate.

No more soft-peddling or ambiguity. You go for it. You embrace the antivaccine message. You ignore all those who criticize you. /7

Now it’s too late to turn back.
The science community thinks you’re gone and won’t easily accept you back.

Your viewers expect escalation of your rhetoric. Turning back would bring their scorn and they would leave in droves. /8

I’m addition to YouTube revenues, you are now being contacted by folk in the anti-vaxx community.

You are being offered hefty speaking fees. Additional incentives to host prominent antivaxxers. Advertising and sponsorship.

This could make you rich. /9

You are now trapped. Firmly in the bosom of the antivaxx community, you find yourself standing with conspiracy theorists, germ theory denialists, hardcore right-wingers… and you can’t escape.

There’s nowhere to go. /10

You wonder how you got here. How a combination of YouTube algorithms, a motivated and wealthy anti-vaxx community, the allure of fame and wealth, the blacklisting by mainstream science, all led you to this point.

But here you are… /11

We see the above story play out over & over, with minor variations and changes.

It’s how folk in the science and medical community get “red-pilled” into an antivaxx box that they probably scoffed at a few years ago.

It’s extremely dangerous. And it’s only going to continue./End

With respect, that reads like a 5 year old put it together.

We all know the formula for getting clicks - hardly anything new in it.

The question should be why so many people are looking for alternative views on current affairs, politics and science… There’s an easy enough answer to that too.

With no respect, everything you’ve written on this forum for years genuinely does read like it was written by a 5 year old.

You’d be one of the clickety click audience being talked about in that thread.

What has that to do with the teenage blog you posted above?