Does whiskey go off after its been open for a bit?

You won’t find a nicer whiskey at that price

Would you get a nicer one at €24 ?

No. You’d be looking at 35-40 for a contender in my opinion

If it’s this bottle, I’d say it’s a bargain.

Lads this whiskey lark is dangerous. I’m almost afraid to get any more into it.

Let go of your inhibitions and jump on in with the rest of us

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I’ll have to go for some tomorrow though I’ve never tried it. Regular Powers is lovely stuff

What a legend.


He is right, once you build up a tolerance to whiskey and cut it with either ice or water you would be fairly fresh the next day after it.

I drink it with a bit of ice. Delicious. I completely get what he is saying - it’s proper stuff unlike the shit laden stuff in ‘sociable’ drinks.

It’s a grown up drink to be savoured

I was handed a Paddy there before my tea over at the in laws. I wouldn’t usually be a fan of Paddy but it went down a treat

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You’re getting middle aged.

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Jameson Crested is unreal for the price


4 of us polished off a full bottle of this last night. It’s mighty stuff, and I wouldn’t be much of a scotch fan. Good value at the moment too

You the wife and did the kids drink much of it?

3 good mates and I in a socially distant fashion. First time I’ve really spent any time with folks outside my direct family or in-laws since February I’d say. Mighty stuff


Took a quick spin into Tesco there to buy a USB key to find that the 25 euro Crested and 30 euro Black Barrel offer is currently on. It looks like I picked up the last bottle of each :clap:

Shame on @ciarancareyshurlingarmy for not flagging this as he normally does


Whiskey is a smooth drink. Smooth as in clarity of thought as you deliver a clean haymaker in the near vicinity of you


Maybe so. But I got two bottles handed to me this morning for father’s Day.