Dolores O'Riordan, Nembo getting increasingly demented, fascinating to watch

No, they won’t be able to afford a biro once JP dies



Axel Foleys one went on for a year nearly

All Liverpool fans, especially those who watched it unfold live, have a special connection with the victims of the Hillsborough disaster, especially as the British state circled the wagons in order to wage a long running campaign to deny them and their families justice, which was an affront to anybody who values truth, justice and basic human decency.

What’s your connection with Dolores O’Riordan apart from being just another simpleton out to prove how devastated you are at the death of somebody you didn’t give a shit about?

And why are you so intent on continually proving that you are one of the most interminably dull, miserable, needy and useless cunts ever to sit at a keyboard?

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Someone just referenced the Cranberries with rock music. They made shit light pop music.

This has me very fucking hard. The voice of a generation. Gone. Never Forgotten. RIP


It’s like when Mel from Mel and Kim died.


They were the 90s. They were Ireland. And Dolores was their voice - therefore, she was our voice.

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She sounded like a crow with thyroid issues.

Tom and Paschal


I’m going through a bad patch myself and I broke down crying yesterday when I heard this awful news, Zombie and Linger were amongst the soundtrack of my troubled teenage years

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that the way it is gone now, social media has the world fucked

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They were the soundtrack to Ireland in the 90s, mate… I was going to sign the online book of condolences but that would be nothing short of selfish and full of contempt for Dolores… I’m going to make the journey home and physically write some lovely words in her memory. It’s the least she deserves for all she did for this country.

They were the soundtrack of Football Focus, mate.

Very brave of her to write that song, it struck a chord with a lot of people.

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You don’t sell millions of albums by sounding like a Crow.

Sales aren’t an indicator of quality.

The blackbirds did.*

*the pointer sisters

Albums in the day were. Now it’s Justin beiber getting 1billion views on YouTube.

The Cranberries proved otherwise.