Dublin GAA Thread

Daire Plunkett (Brigids) is the extreme right. Can’t place who is beside him. A fair lot of the backroom team there also.

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As many as players I’d wager

Martin Kennedy

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Interesting, so Dublin hurlers support Israel?

Réalt Daithi.

The Israelis love turning things to ash in a clash.

Shane walsh joining the dubs

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Yes, was given to me as an exclusive

Can’t be true

One of my sources is confirming this

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@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy is the forum’s premier GGA source.

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That would be classic Dublin. 1.5 million people and cherrypicking players from other counties. They’ll destroy all that’s good about the GAA.

The Laois basement dweller’s eagerness tells you all you need to know about this .nothing to see here.

Football and rugby are our sports

Yep, GGA woulda died in the city had Croke Park not pumped the funds in.

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He is taking a year off intercounty then going to dubs

Great vision by the GGA

That’s what one of my sources said too. Is your contact Deko too?

Judging by the size of his hoop I’m not sure shane will have the discipline required to make it with the Dubs. If he knuckles down he might make it as an impact sub.