Dublin Riots 2018

He’s cut from the same cloth as these cretins.

It’s ok. There might be riots in 2018 in Dublin again.

It’s worth pointing out that a few weeks ago @tim_riggins was asking why the country should fund rural Ireland and that Dublin should get more.




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Disgraceful scenes. Dublin South West is a 5-seater constituency with 3 government TDs. This should bring down the government.

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Got the videos on whatsapp a while ago :smile:

It’s hard to think of a store that would have a less disappointing haul if you broke into it. Dealz maybe.


That UUCOAM John Connors has mugged himself off something unreal on Twitter tonight. Put up a tweet about the looting and then deleted it when everyone rightly went mad at him and called him out on his hypocricy. He’s been back tracking since the dopey cunt but showed his true colours tonight. :joy::grin:

A business desttoyed and possibly 50 jobs lost. Big joke is It?

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We should all be rioting after what happened to us, even recently ffs

What stopped you?

Reggae Music & Weed.


How do you come to that conclusion mate?

What happened you, you doped up halfwit?

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And his mammy

Fuck off asshole.

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Do you not realise how we as a country have been rogered up the ass?

Full of shite as always

Lads getting a great laugh off a bunch of thugs around riot around the capital. Modern Ireland is a kip.


Have they had their dinner?