When does the house training begin?
I have started. They are ok for spells and then go to pot. Some mornings I leave them out and they go outside and the this morning one of them could snake in and piss behind me.
I was told crate training is the only job.
Should be easier to train from now on,my westie started at 3 months,and within 6 week’s bingo
I’m like that and I’m 32
Newspaper near the back door as they’ll be at the door when it kicks in that they associate the back door with going to the toilet etc,and if you’re not about to open the door they’ll piss nearest to it,hence the paper
That’s what I am doing at present.
They are bold little fuckers though. When it’s dry they will sneak over and tear it around the place.
It’s great craic with them but if I can toilet train them it’s half the battle.
You’ll get there ,I thought my fecker would never piddle outside ,had to leave the back door open each morning for a half hour ,and the shagger eventually copped it
We go again… for the last hour
In, morning all.
Awake since 04:15, up since 05:20. Going to bed at 21:00 and no drink is the only way it can be done.
Signing in, again.
Grand morning, the sunrise will be beautiful
Just another hour and ten mins to wait.
What in the name of jaysus has you up at that hour?
My bladder is in good order thankfully.
It’s the 7 month old @Julio_Geordio, she wakes up at 5am these days. Need to get up with her for around 90 mins, give her a bottle, maybe breakfast. Then she goes back to bed and you get the 3 year old up for preschool. It’s not too bad once your up but you certainly hit the tiredness wall around 8pm. And I take it in turns with the lovely Ms Locke so it’s not all the time.
It’s the 7 month old @Julio_Geordio, she wakes up at 5am these days. Need to get up with her for around 90 mins, give her a bottle, maybe breakfast. Then she goes back to bed and you get the 3 year old up for preschool. It’s not too bad once your up but you certainly hit the tiredness wall around 8pm. And I take it in turns with the lovely Ms Locke so it’s not all the time.
Can I recommend a day time nap. It’s a game changer
I would if I could and I do when I can. Just 20 mins shuteye during lunch. Have some food, cup of tea and then close the eyes for a power nap. It’s great alright and time well spent.
Morning folks