Early Risers Club - A sneak peek into Corkie’s work practises

You really have a lovely edge on most lads when you’re out and about at this hour. It’s great to be ahead.


A bit of a game changer ok .

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It’s 6 o’clock lads. Most people here have a few hours work done at 6AM. The Oirish think they’re superheroes for getting up at 6.

Would you not have an edge on them regardless?

It’s fascinating to watch.

The same lads are in bed at 9.30pm ffs - they want a medal for getting 8 hrs sleep :rofl:

Nice to see you up bright and early to go working for The Man.

Morning guys


What time is it?

Good morning sleepy head.

Of course but you’d always be best to maximise it as much as possible

what edge would you need in the public sector mate?

Just don’t go for tea breaks. Bang. Top of the pile

Any lad worth his salt in this day and age has multiple income streams. That’s where the edge is needed.


Tea break is where all the real work gets done FFS.

ok, go for more tea breaks then, edge.

get up at 5.30 am. Milk the cows. Go to handy number in public sector. Sleep off the mornings work. Come home, milk them again.

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I enjoy a tea break around 3:45pm during the working week. I find it breaks up the day nicely between the end of lunch and when I head home.

we better stop this type of chat now or else the early risers will have conniptions that we are spoiling the thread

Era they’ll be in bed soon again


I am grateful for this day.

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