What did you get caught on?
What did you get caught on?
A plastic bag containing recyclables.
So whats the issue?
Some companies dont allow recylables to be contained in plastic bags.
Wha? Fuck sake. What if it’s a recycled plastic bag left over from your shopping?
Not so sure really, but our bin company dont allow you put tied up bags of recycling, into your recycling. All waste must be loose in the Ciaran Whelan.
Some companies dont allow recylables to be contained in plastic bags.
Despite the fact for years the companies distributed plastic bags for you to put your recycling into.
They have inspectors that go around estates as well and examine the bins.
Greyhound said the reaction to the new measures has been positive.
They have inspectors that go around estates as well and examine the bins.
And they say there’s not jobs out there for useless layabout fuckers.
Greyhound tried to fine me for glass in my bin years ago. I told them there was no glass in my bin when I put it out on the path, I speculated that a member of the public had illegally placed a glass in my bin while it was waiting for collection. I suggested they narrow their collection window if they wanted to prevent illegal dumping in my bin. Job done. Fine waved.
So basically, just throw all your rubbish in the standard bin and don’t bother recycling or composting and you’ll save yourself a load of hassle then?
Your bin will fill up quite quickly.
Your bin will fill up quite quickly.
Well then I’ll get a bigger bin, or even 2 bins.
Is there a fine, or is it just a rap on the knuckles for now?
What does what happened years ago have to do with anything?
I had an incident with non collection of my recycling bin earlier this year and was called a cunt for demanding that they come back and collect it as the collection monkeys hadn’t the cop on to tear the bag open.
Anyway I was more put out with being called a cunt than I was about the non collection issue because I taught those Eastern European square heads a lesson.
Maybe I am just a cunt.
Kellog redesigns the snackfood container that was dubbed the "number one villain" for recycling.
About time.
About time.
The happy pear lads