Elon Musk - Sieg Heil

The nerds are furious

Apparently a load of execs were due some major stock bonus if they were in the company past 1st Nov. Elon fired them all over the weekend.

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Poor bastards, or whatever the equivalent pronouns are

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A load of people going mad that Elon wants to charge €20 a month for the blue ticks as well. Sure why the fuck do they need a blue tick if its that important to them

@Rocko will be distributing blue ticks to the forums elites next week

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Is Elon a hero for the loons now? He seems to drive the ‘woke’ crew on Twitter mental?

The crazy right wing loons don’t believe that the richest man in the world is part of the global elitist cabal that they rail against

You couldn’t make it up


Only people who have blue ticks value ir. Elon says thats $20. Its the same folk who in the main opposed his take over and are also against disinformation…

In a microcosm the woke crew can be conpared to limerick political twitter. All just attacking each other using sock puppet accounts. They will be found out is their problem

The right wing loons do seem to be very excited about this takeover alright, :man_shrugging:

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I will have to trawl the deepest recesses of the Internet to see what nefarious research Elon Musk is funding before casting judgement on him.

Conversely ths lefties are having total meltdowns/conniptions


Most of the screaming is from the left, the world is going to end if their opinions are questioned.

It’s a good time to post this again:


Elon is turning into Gil.

Who the fuck picks a fight with Stephen King on Halloween.


Ryan Gosling Lol GIF

The blue ticks are seething

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Elon is going to charge the people that create the content, for creating the content. Seems a good deal. Although I do think they are all a bunch of sad acts moaning about their blue ticks

What’s Stephen’s occupation? Is he a writer?