Elon Musk - Sieg Heil

The irony of a conspiracy theorist fruitcake who has crafted an internet persona as an edgelord child abuser thinking they have anything of value or insight to add to any topic whatsoever.

Why aren’t the head bangers on here screeching about it though?

If Leo and Michael tried this we’d never hear the end of it.

It is definitely bizarre.

Thank god we have yourself and cyclops on here to save the world

Don’t be replying to me. Stick to the stalker / freak group.

I am clearly sticking to the freaks

Because they’re thick as shit, narcissistic headbangers who hate themselves and everybody else to such an extent that they don’t believe in anything except wanting to see the world burn for kicks.

Literally the only thing that drives the likes of @Kyle, @glenshane and @TheUlteriorMotive is the idea of suffering and evil as entertainment.

This is the cohort and mindset which is by far the most likely to produce paedophiles.

It’s all a bit above my pay grade but the headbangers usually go nuts when their civil liberties are impinged on.

Yet there seems to be utter silence on this topic for some reason?

What has Elon done to impinge the liberties of Irish people?

Would you ever cop on.

Surprised more attention isn’t being drawn to the parallels with Russia. Putin and the oligarchs took over Russia and Trump and his oligarchs have taken over the US.

Civil liberties is a meaningless slogan to them.

They don’t believe in anything except the power of straight white men to rule the roost over everybody and everything.

Libertarianism is a fraud, as I’ve always said.

Libertarianism believes in the opposite of freedom, it believes in tyranny.

The right wing American idea of “freedom” is the right to racially discriminate, to impose white power, male power and corporate power with brutal force.

The right wing American idea of “freedom” is a transparent fraud.

Libertarianism claims to “believe” in a society with no rules, because the ultimate “freedom” is the absence of any rules. In a society with no rules, the richest and the traditionally hegemonic groups attain total power, the power of tyranny.

In a society with no rules, there is no truth and thus no lies. The value of information can only be determined by how much it sells.

In reality of course, there are two types of “libertarian”. i) The vast majority who laugh at the ideas they proclaim to profess, because they know full well they’re just a branding exercise to get what they want which is fascism and ii) the simpleton fuckwit students you see smoking joints at 2am at parties in Rathmines or Phibsborough who suddenly and unexpectedly reveal themselves to believe in a worldview that a four year old child could tell you is ludicrous.

Libertarianism is a carte blanche not just for the absolute dominance of the richest, because the richest will control the means of information dissemination, as we see with Twitter and Facebook and corporate media, but it’s also a carte blanche for mass rape, mass child sex abuse and genocide.

My post is uncomfortable for readers because it’s true.

You have plenty of useful things to say but you’re exactly like the far right lads going around shouting paedo and rapist all over the place. You’re exactly as coherent as some lad out in coolock.


Paedophilia, rape and murder and the glorification of paedophilia, rape and murder is an integral part of far right politics.

Far right politics and the people who support it will claim a bogus “concern” about paedophilia, rape and murder, as they simultaneously glorify it.

Any poster who sympathises with the far right is legit on the road to being a monster.

Hitler didnt fight a war on this many fronts.

Suspiciously like these feminist supporting lads who turn out to to be of the rapey variety


I don’t think anybody has you down as a feminist.

I see nothing has changed since i blocked him.

Some might say the lady doth protest too.much

You’re really just making a fool of yourself and undermining all the serious things you say by tacking on purple monkey dishwasher paedophiles at the end of every post.

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