Elon Musk - Sieg Heil

More of a ā€˜skin of your fartā€™ type


Youā€™re not the only one!

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Iā€™ll never forget the day news broke on the Gavin Lambe-Murphy sidegroup about him having to flee the country. In a way, weā€™ve never recovered.


I wouldnā€™t like to see the great @EstebanSexface caught up in this Nasty business.

Iā€™m fairly sure he hated me but Christ the man was a legend.

He could fire off on anybody about anything and when he came both barrels for you it was like a knife through butter.

He always struck me as being genuine and seemed to really care for his family as well.

A genuine legend off tfk.

He started the side groups ffs.

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Iā€™m also fairly certain Esteban held the record for single biggest price horse racing tip on here.

80s was the bottom price. Iā€™m fairly one of my own bets finished second to it and I had to pretend I was delighted for everyone on here.

Anyway he used to frequent Murphyā€™s In Brandon too and I always respected the man.

Thatā€™s not true. Iā€™ve liked more of yours than you have of mine. 3 more, to be precise

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Hang on, whereā€™s that available?

You probably have a notebook

Youā€™ve been doing really well in fairness. :person_shrugging:

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I keep a mental tally/score. I find it helps keep a lid on my rage, resentment and bitterness

On the rare occasions you reference your glittering underage career I throw you a like


Thank you.

Thanks buddy, didnā€™t even realise id mentioned itā€¦

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You and all your Alter egos, @glenshane and @TheUlteriorMotive are by far the main problem with this forum.

Constant witless spam which actually defends genocide and promotes not just the worst, most shameless ā€œvaluesā€ in life but actual criminal activity.

He fucked off because he couldnā€™t defend his anti-immigrant stance and his arguing became more and more absurd.

Yeah well unfortunately real world events keep proving me correct, which is a bit shit.

Still, at least @Horsebox is here to offer reassurance in his Reassurance sidegroup.

The Elon side group is great craic, weā€™ll have buses organised to go up north for nurolink installations like the healy raes yet

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Heā€™s back here a while now

Some lads might even develop a personality afterwards. Even if itā€™s an artificial one, it might be better than whatā€™s there now, or should I say not there.

Iā€™ve just realised that some people give out an insane amount of likes on here,
Maybe it should be in the things I learned thread, the like button is a strange thing :man_shrugging:

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