Ah, I had a look there now.
EirGrid put the infrastructure in place and the ESB then fix it for them.
Ah, I had a look there now.
EirGrid put the infrastructure in place and the ESB then fix it for them.
A long way to drive for petrol.
A good perspective on how much tax has been applied to it though.
Huge victory for Ryan here
“Preparing to build “ but unlikely to be for a long time.
The article says
Significant advances must be made in heavy-lift rocket technology for the transportation of necessary materials into space. Additionally, new technologies are needed to transmit energy from space to the ground.
Some people see things and say why, others dream things that never were and say why not
Like the Chinese and genocide. They have a can-do attitude
Elon Musk?
Chinese have seen the strategic benefit to weakening the yankie hand through adoption of renewables. Less oil, less petro dollar. Middle East and Yanks hit.
Renewables means electrification. Electrification means batteries and, by extension, automobiles. Est un finger en ze schtinken poopen for German auto manufacturers, cripples Detroit attempt at recovery and pits them to the forefront with the japs.
China playing 3D chess and all by commiting to greentech. No wonder misinformation abounds- lot at stake
Sounds like the CIE annual projects for the last 10 years
But it’s nice for @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy to be able to celebrate the announcement of the same projects every few years
You missed the high court news i guess