To make sure it’s taken in context, that is shots on target from open play, doesn’t include set play shots
My point stands.
Damp squib of a final. The Three Lions would never have rolled over like that against France. Croatia just didn’t have the weight of tradition that you need to believe you have a right to be there as equals on the big day.
Would you ever fuck off you cunt
France would have put at least 6 past England.
This is an England supporters thread. Take your anti-England bile somewhere else.
Had England been there we’d probably be in the early stages of extra-time now.
England always beat the French when it mattered - Agincourt, Trafalgar, Waterloo, Twickenham 1991, Sydney 2003, 1966 and Robbo finishing them off in 27 seconds in 1982.
The worst England side in living memory
Steeped with the draw
The 2012 Olympic vote too.
Even when England and France were on the same side, the English had to bail the French out, as we saw in two World Wars.
No British Concorde ever crashed either.
Right down the keeper’s throat.
Why are they dressing the English managers like card carrying Tory boys now?
Still a good hit tbf.
Best of luck to the Lionesses tonight.
Disaster strikes.
Looking back on where we first met
I cannot escape and I cannot forget…