Euro 2020 thread (Part 1)

The VIPs are treated better than the plebs and Sadlier is suddenly OUTRAGED

Shock horror. UEFA look after corporate sponsors.

I’d say he’s riled since seeing those pictures of Dela at Wembley last week.

They did their best make London look pretty in that montage but they just couldn’t manage it

Racist compilation from RTE. I’ll be making a complaint.

Bizarrely Spain are the highest scorers in the tournament despite being dreadful to watch.

I think Spain can get at that back 4 with pace. Torres as a 9, if they can get it wide and behind emerson and di lorenzo they’ll score at will.

Jorginho and Busquets is intriguing. Whoever wins the midfield will win.

I’m going spain in a thriller. 3-2

I’ve a feeling Italy could have an easy night. 2-0 Italy

Mismatch on the anthems

I like the Italian national anthem. Something very operatic about it.

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We’ve jumped the shark here with the ball being delivered on a remote controlled car

Yeah I’d fancy Italy too. Spain lacking an out and out goalscorer and have struggled against the Swedes, Poles and Swiss.

Ah fuck off linesman

Emerson needed to let that go first time.

I thought that was in. This could be great.

Fantastic rendition of the Italian national anthem.

Hopefully they win this and go all the way.

Spain looking for quick diagonals. Enrique has targeted the full backs

Houghton wants spain to lump it forward to no centre forward. Can’t understand why they’re playing it about

Ray’s a dim bastard.Spain like to get in to their rhythm holding possession, move the other team about penned into their own half for a period before they spring men in the box.

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They’re giving a masterclass

Spain look very comfortable. I think they’ve been seriously underrated going into this match.