Europe s borders are wide open yimmy

Off now with you and your pro rapist terrorist weirdo gang.

Every pervert in the middle east must be rubbing their hands in glee after seeing what they can get away with in Germany. We’ll be invaded by millions of them next year. Thank Christ for David Cameron and his hard stance. He knew the score

Those muslim rapists are delighted to be given a free pass into Europe

why didn’t you give him that reach around he asked for. It’s your fault he turned out this way.

Could you imagine spending all your life in a country where if you are a man a woman is the equivalent of a pet albeit a subservient pet, and where you would never have seen female flesh in the actual flesh ( a lot like @Sidney actually).
Imagine then you are landed in a civilised country where woman are free to dress like tarts.
Big clash of culture.

it must be like being in a sweet shop for these animals

According to @glasagusban these people are highly educated. I don’t know how he knows this.
We are a civilised country and we treat women with respect. We don’t go round raping them Willy nilly. Its interesting enough how the likes of @glasagusban agus @Sidney are proactively campaigning for highly educated rapists to be sheltered here when neither of them have had much interaction with women or girls.


Anyone who trusts a persian wants their head examined.

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Syrian refugee scum


News from middle Europe is usually thin on the ground in Irish outlets. Recently however there has been coverage of right/further right gains in Hungary, Poland and now Austria. What is happening on the ground?

The situation is very fluid.

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A watery response


does this seem like a healthy situation to anyone?

Peter Sutherland and his ilk.

Mrs Merkel is stepping down

Oh bollocks. :fearful:

Eventually. Not for another three years