European Cup Rugby

As opposed to you sitting at home all evening having potshots at one of Ireland’s sporting greats and making a clown out of yourself

"Just in the door…

Fuck off back out it you ape


Reckon it was a thing of his teammates saying he gave it everything, marginal call and nothing lost in it. They seemed to be in a great place mentally all game. They’re a serious unit.

At your age all night drinking is not advisable. Put down the phone, get a glass of water and some sleep.

You’re still two Heineken Cups behind Leinster.

Waaaa waaaa waaa

You actually couldn’t wait, your little fat fingers pounding off the keyboard of the phone, to have a go at O’Gara. And you made a fool of yourself wance again…

I still remember the night ye won the AI the snot and cider running out of you and you pleading with me here…"don’t ruin this on me I’m sorry for all the slagging of Munster I did I didnt mean it please can’t we enjoy Limerick winning together…

Sad fucker

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Calm down bro

Oh I’m zen bro…why wouldn’t I be and Leinster after shitting the bed again :heart_eyes:


Isn’t it sad to see two great Munster men fighting at a time like this :face_exhaling:

He’s unreal. Lads were logging him in the overrated and finished threads at 17-0. That’s 2 (two) Champions Cup in succession with a small provincial town who had no previous history of success.


Australia will be serious contenders at the World Cup with Skelton back.


Should be three as well really. V unlucky against Toulouse the season before.

And they say the French don’t take it seriously :grinning:

we are always a threat mate

Not off a mad money budget (relatively) as well. Easy enough tempt lads to move to the South of France though

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“Claremont” “Lions” looks legit ?

What’s munsters budget for the year?

NZ article, they really need to work on their editing/grammar etc. I clipped " Bordeaux Beagles" out of that screenshot :man_facepalming:t2:

Turnover of €15 mil as per that?

Did ROG already have that mark under his right eye or did he pick it up at half time i wonder

I suppose add the central contracts onto that. Another few mill.

Big gap

And you have to live in Limerick :face_with_peeking_eye:


Yes that is a big selling point for them, the city that New York was modelled on and Paris wishes it was