European Cup Rugby


The missed forward pass and the penalty in the 22 in the last minute that should have been given to Castres and was given to quins :man_facepalming: ref shouldn’t get a game again for a while.

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Every visiting team gets ridden raw by the referees at thomond.

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It was on in England chief.

I’m just observing a Munster lad giving out yards about home town refereeing :slightly_smiling_face:

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Leinster giving Bath what not. Some team.

Bating them at their leisure

They’re not even playing that well by their standards but 5 tries scored and 33-7 up. Bath are shit though, bottom of the league for obvious reasons.

The amount of stoppages is ridiculous though. 58 minutes to play that first half. There was about 14 or 15 replays for a disallowed try that was clearly obvious on the first replay.

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Whataboutery of the highest order

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Turkey shoot

Hadn’t heard of this Jimmy O’ Brien fella until a week ago. Now he’s after scoring 4 tries for Leinster. Could be another late developer like Keenan. Bath fans have been extremely supportive of their team considering the beating they are taking.


Leinster playing champagne rugby against Toulouse.

Sexton is on it

A stretcher?

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This is the match @Locke shouldve gone to

Is it the final?

Nah, just an irish team beating toulouse


Decent contest in Le Harve. Leinster on top but not getting home on the scoreboard

Edit: They’re getting there now