European Cup Rugby

I think I was at at least one of those. One of them was against Tyrone on the 125th anniversary of the GAA

Both were Dublin v Tyrone under lights.

Toulouse have turned on the afterburners

I was at both I think.

Frightening :smiley:

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Unreal stuff. Have destroyed Exeter in 15 minutes.

Christ above that was a gorgeous try

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4 tries in 10 mins exactly…and kinghorn taking a breather over all the kicks as well…


DuPont gone for the final?

Nobody seems to know, the Singapore and Madrid sevens are on in May. Maybe he will be away at those. :thinking:

Decent value


That’ll be sold out.

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Will get 70k plus I’d say, could even fill it.


It is decent value. I paid €150 for a premium for the 2021 AIF

Rugby games are

  • safe
  • largely supported by the affluent
  • mostly exciting
  • ability to bring your beer to your seat
  • lots of scores

Not too sure about the bringing your beer to your seat bit.

100% can. In the Aviva at least.

The novelty factor is the main reason it’ll go close to selling out but the sensible pricing helps a lot. It’s a much bigger event because it’s at Croke Park rather than Lansdowne. There will be a serious buzz about it. The pricing means the persuadables will be persuaded to attend.

It’s a Bank Holiday weekend just like Leinster v Munster in '09 so the crowd should be maximised.

No I know that. Im just not sure it should be allowed. Its a right pain in the arse with lads getting up every ten minutes either for a piss or to go to the bar.

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