Excellent article about the supine Irish

I refuse to comment on this thread until ArtFoley advises me on the content of the article.

[quote=“Menapian”]The apathy underlying some of the responses here shows just why FF/the banks/property developers/Catholic Church circle are riding us all bareback and have done since the foundation of the State.

Some of yiz ought to realise that there’s more to life than getting yer hole and ratarsed as frequently as possible.

Or maybe Thatcher was prophetic: there is no such thing as society.[/QUOTE]

Is this the first article you’ve ever read? It seems to have deeply moved you, despite the fact that the chap who wrote it is as intellectual a social commentator as Brendan O’Connor.

[quote=“Menapian”]The apathy underlying some of the responses here shows just why FF/the banks/property developers/Catholic Church circle are riding us all bareback and have done since the foundation of the State.

Some of yiz ought to realise that there’s more to life than getting yer hole and ratarsed as frequently as possible.

Or maybe Thatcher was prophetic: there is no such thing as society.[/QUOTE]

arent you forgetting someone?

Tell me what in its content you disagree with.

I voted for B.O’C as COTY, btw.





[quote=“Menapian”]Tell me what in its content you disagree with.

I voted for B.O’C as COTY, btw.[/QUOTE]

That he appears to think that there is some connection between Law and Order and reality, and that he is yet another one of these yankophiles who having lived in North America for a spell, feels the need to lecture us on how great things are over there, apart from the crime and extreme poverty and all that.

Him yearning for reality in Ireland to be like unreality of American TV doesn’t do his arguments any favour, alright.

However, he has a fair point about Irish people being willing to put up with so much crap, skullduggery, corruption and generally low standards from our political and business elite that wouldn’t be tolerated in other supposedly developed countries without the populace being up in arms.

Normally, you’re good at this kind of political/societal discussion as brought up by this article.

Let’s be hearing from you…

I worry about the whereabouts of Menapian.