Lidl, middle isle
If it was that easy.
Big expense I’d say, but it’s a nice thing if you can afford it
Small change pal
I had a look there for the craic. About a grand in Harvey Norman
Yeah, im thinking ones without heater would be cheaper
House of Stoves in Kk will have what you want.I got one off them a couple of years ago.You’ll find them on Instagram
Do they deliver?
This crowd in Ross have decent options and range on their website. Haven’t dealt with them in a couple of years, but client of mine in Kilkenny got an electric stove there a couple of years back. Worked out cheaper getting that for a feature look rather than building a fireplace and all the details that required.
Any experts on treatment tank pumps here?
There is an isolation switch in the back kitchen for ours. It has tripped off and when switched on will trip the RCD in the fusebox. I’m hoping the issue is with the pump itself rather than damage to any of the cabling underground that the pump is connected to.
Can you access the cable at the pump? If you can disconnect it there, do, and see is it tripping. Wire a light fitting or something else handy into it and see is it ok.
Possibly a seal gone on the pump.
These things are an absolute pain in the balls,I have one of them.The pump could be blocked with a wipe or something,or the seal as Chops said.
Mine had to be changed last year as the lad who installed it bought a load of pumps from Korea or somewhere and they were all failing.The air blower also gave out shortly afterwards
Yeah this pump is only in almost 3 years. I was told to try take it up out of the tank by the crowd that installed it and see if there is anything blocking it. I’ve stuck the rods down into the chamber to see if a bit of movement can help things but no luck.
A couple of electrician and plumber mates I contacted are not too keen on the job, understandably
If it’s an RCD it’s tripping for earth leakage, not a short. An RCBO will trip for a short also.
If it’s blocked it will most likely overheat but not trip.
Either way as Chops said, next step is the pump needs to come out and be disconnected to check.
A simple enough job to get it out but it’s a shitty one.A long ladder will need to be lowered into the tank then unscrew the 2 inch pipe and lift if out.I took mine out last year cleaned it and dried it and it was working so I put it back in but it leaked again a couple and days later and started tripping.I rang yer man and ate him as it was only about 2 years old and he replaced the blower about a month before it and charged me.So he sent me a new pump and I fitted it myself.
Adare Bio done mine,if it’s his pump it’s a faulty one and he should replace it for you.
I was with Campion Pumps myself who are based in Gortnahoe. The thing is full enough now so will need to get a slurry tank in to empty it out I suppose before chancing anything myself.
The last time it failed I got a cheap pump on Vevor to empty it but that calved after a couple of runs
Removed the pump from the chamber. Turned on the isolation switch and no tripping occurred. Cleaned the pump as it was clogged with some hair and tissue, turned off the isolation switch, inserted pump and tried isolation switch again. Tripped again then. So, I think we can rule out any issues with wiring and deduct that the seal on the pump has been compromised.
cc @manlymen