Faldo's DIY General thread

No need for a power hose. Yard brush and elbow grease. Put down the bleach. Leave it for half hour. Scrub like a cunt and rinse it with a normal hose or lash a few buckets at it.

If you want you could lash it with the power hose first to get rid of moss and stuff.


He’ll need to conserve his energy to swan around the gym later on with the phone :smile:

Close, but Princess needs to see results before he’s allowed TV for the afternoon.

Sprinkle liberally with Daz/Persil…Sprinkle gently with standard hose… Wait 30 minutes.
Blast the shite out onto someone else’s patch… Crack open can of Coors Light.
Drain can… Ride Princess… Watch sport for evening… :pint:


3 hrs I was at this crack yesterday, missed the Clare/ Waterford gme … But it was a job well done.

Going to bed then last night - the front door jammed … the multi- lock wouldnt close, as in the handle of the door wouldnt go all the way up… I was pushing and pulling and swearing and kicking but no joy. I had to let the door unlocked for the night… Came home at lunch hour today - got some oil… took off the handle and oiled the lot up … still no joy … so I took off the bar/ lock altogether and sent it into the locksmith with princess as I’m working from home for the afternoon and need to be online. We had initially rang a chap and he was looking for near 300 notes - nothing like being ripped off to spring you into action - that’s when I stripped it myself which is child’s play in fairness and sent Princess packing - 120 for a new lock.

A great couple of days education all told - i’d never used a power hose or gone near a door lock before and I can now deride any bastard that comes in here looking for advice on either in the future.

So you warped the door from washing it with the power hose and then spent your time and money replacing it. An education alright


No - I didnt go near the door with water… it was on the way out for a few weeks tbh.



Oh I see what you did there…

Jeyes Fluid

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I’m bolloxed after that. 2 solid days

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You’re some man to clean a window.


I fucking wish that’s all it was chief

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Fuck it.


thats an awful long time to molw that little patch of grass. did you do it with a scissors?


Doing what mate?

I did some great work around the house the weekend before last, oiled a few door hinges, clipped a few hedges, fixed a kitchen door that wasn’t hanging right, put together a few bits of furniture we’d bought ages ago and hung up a load of picture frames that herself had been on at me for ages to do.
Unfortunately the brownie points didn’t last long when one of the picture frames came crashing down in the middle of the night waking the whole house. Fucking stick on hooks, I used nail ones for the rest but the thing was light as a feather so I thought I’d be grand. :sweat:

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Checked with the union rep. Cutting the grass is not in my job description today

Try these yokes, much better for the not too heavy photo frames


Started the house painting yesterday morning. Had a lad power hose it over the weekend. Stripped primed and painted the front door this morning. Waiting for the first coat on the door to dry now before a second and install a new letter box.


How long were you ‘styling’ the photo for TFK? Its picture perfect