FAO Davsheep


Rugby Union or League?

Union, in a heartbeat. Joining a team as soon as I get over my ACL tear, actually. See if I survive.

How did you damage the aul ACL? High jinxs?

Chef or Heinz?

Tag rugby. Went over on it. Then felt grand ten minutes later, went back on, then did the same thing again, which I suspect completely fcked it, if it wasn’t totally fcked already…

Ah here.


Not my smartest move ever, I’ll admit.

what’s your full name and address?
believe me, its easier this way.

Tag fucking rugby?

Tag rugby football? davsheep, I hope your leg has to get amputated mate.

Imagine having to tell people you injured yourself playing tag? Fucking hell.

So you came here looking for a video of two lads banging each other, and you play fag rugby? The forums resident gay Clarkey will be either delighted or threatened

Hah. I did see the “anti-rugby football thread” alright, figured tag would get an even more dismissive response. Result.

Happily enough, a tad less than that.

I just tell them I was doing something more manly, like crochet. It helps avoid most of the embarrassment.

I must meet this person. He sounds like a bang up gent.

Do you know that one-word gobshite Lassie?

Lassie should have been drowned at birth

I believe @Lassie is an insider! :eek:

Dundons or keanes?