FAO Noddy

Why are the boggers here obsessed with talking about other forums?

there wasnt a whole thread set up about TFK over on Premierview.

The likes of this guy being the reason why.

What a shocking avatar :lol: You complete gobshite

never opened my mouth

This thread is about you noddy

We have a camera on you, noddy.

there seems to be alot of new usernames being set up on PV tonight.
who is ‘‘westofshannon’’??

Has Declan Moffat got anything to say about this?

no, it seems to be more about the bitter fued that is developing between TFK and PV :stuck_out_tongue:

i would imagine it is someone who lives either west of the river shannon or west of shannon co. clare

Turenne and CLD cleaning house over there now. No harm either

Just trying to gay things up somewhat. Some guy cracked our secret code laz. What a tard!

Some more copy and paste please.

Whats your problem bro?

Noddy would the likes of say NCC or i be welcome on this Premierlook site?

good point - whats the LOI content like on that site?

Pretty fucking good.
Large SRFC contingent.

Are there many greyhound enthousiasts over there? Also are there are any betting gurus and food threads?

dont know. tis up to yerselves

sign me up noddy