Fast Food

That’s a great post. Fuck the begrudgers

I’d rarely eat in Glasgow even if I was over for a coupe of days


If they were nice omlettes so fucking what? Mr Corn Flakes man here thinks he’s the most cultured man in Ireland because he goes on TripAdvisor before he goes on his package holidays to find the “spots”.

KFC is superb hangover food

I haven’t been much but I always thought the popcorn chicken was decent and they had nice fries?

Enjoyed that . Thanks

Careful now.

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Gourmet Kebabs :clap::clap:


They could really shake up the kebab quarter in Limerick if it was one of the 40 locations. I’m not sure the market is there to sustain any more than the 15 kebab places currently operating there so it could get messy


Had one in the UK earlier this year. Vile. They’re the subway of kebabs.

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Gourmet kebabs? Is there anything, apart from the lettuce and onion that’s good for you in a kebab? Limerick. Full of kebab shops, cafes, and pubs, and fuck all else.

Aren’t Kebabs from the Middle East? What is German about them? It’d be like a place opening up the Irish Lasagne Shop

You’d be as well atin the box the kebab comes in rather than the kebab

Biggest Turkish immigrant population in the world

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Never a truer word spoken when it comes to kebabs

El Khababish (sic) clanbrassil street. Best kebab in dublin plus you can sit in on a sleeper cell meeting.

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Kebabs in Germany are unreal, the place is full of @Rocko’s

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Berlin is a noble spot for a bit of kebabing

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Passion 4 Food on the same street is nicer IMO.