Favourite Pogues Song

Body of American for me


Rainy Night in Soho, poetry.


This is also genius, so dense.

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He was called. He served. He is counted.

Rainy Night in Soho, hands down.


I can never listen to ā€œthe old main dragā€ without shedding a tear for @Tassotti

Only really got into Rum, Sodomy and the Lash this year. Itā€™s an incredible album - serious body of work.


There is a EP from 1985 called Poguetry in Motion . It is fabulous .


Walzing Matilda at the end is a classic

Anyone ever see the Straight to Hell movie? I think Elvis Costello was involved. He was married to Cait Riordan at the timeā€¦

If I Should Fall From Grace with God is much better in my opinion.

Close to a 10 out of 10 album for me.

Ah no ā€¦ No. no, no - Spidey had it right.

Red Roses for me is their best album by a mile imo.
Rum Sodomy second and If I should fall from grace 3rd.

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Red Roses & Rum/Sodomy are great records and very representative of live performances at the time.

The band had really matured by Grace with God. Advanced musicianship, Shane at his songwriting peak and a better engineered recording. Itā€™s my favourite Pogues album.

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Iā€™m generally drawn to the rougher, unpolished sound of most artists , thereā€™s something much more real about the sound/energy.

I can confirm this. The Pogues toured Ireland around the turn of the year 1985/1986. They played some quirky venues like a community centre in North Tipperary that I canā€™t remember the name of.

I saw them on that tour with in the Bridge Hotel in Waterford. Before the gig myself and a friend went into Downes pub around the corner for refreshments. Who was sitting in front of the fire guzzling only the Pogues. MacGowan was asleep with a fedora over his face. This isnā€™t going to be good we surmised. Anyway we went around to the Bridge and Pogues duly arrived on stage and blew the fucking place asunder. Lads were going demented. It was unreal.


Iā€™d be the same but there were much more non-originals on Rum for a start.

Shinrone is in Offaly ?

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Hvae we had a shout out for The Boys from the County Hell?

Thatā€™s the one. Ethnic Tipperary