FIFA World Cup 2010 - Group Stage


Will France have their full squad out? any team news yet.

Talking to my French housemate there and heā€™s saying thereā€™s a big rumour going around France that the team could make a no show for the match today.
Couldnā€™t see that happening myself as it would bring huge disgrace to the country and the tournament.

Yeah they said something similar on Newstalk this morning.
They reckoned that the fringe players would play and that the senior players could no-show.

The French are great craic.

In such a situation SA would win 3-0 right?


Criminal charges against the Bavaria Beer Two have been dropped today. Barbara Castelein and Mirthe Nieuwpoort were visibly overjoyed and kissed each another with relief when the decision was announced at the Johannesburg Magistrates Court. The pairā€™s passports were handed back to them and they were each presented with a bunch of orange and yellow roses by supporters outside the courtroom.

Mthunzi Mhaga, a spokesman for South Africaā€™s National Prosecuting Authority, announced the matter had been resolved. ā€œFifa was not interested in proceeding with the matter,ā€ he said. "There was a settlement that was reached between the parties and we ā€¦ decided to exercise discretion and not proceed with the matter. The terms of the settlement would remain confidential, he added.

Patrice Evra has been dropped from the French team :unsure:

According to news agency AFP heā€™s been dropped, rather than is refusing to play

Heā€™s captain too. FFS the french are some clowns.

Indeed Manus, areas such as Longsight, Burnage and Levenshulme had a large Irish population in the 60ā€™s and 70ā€™s. Levenshulme was known as County Levenshulme due to the amount of Irish there, although if you took someone for a drive down Stockport Road nowadays you would have a hard job convincing them that this was fact.

Iā€™m with Bandage on my hatred of namedropping but I would know one of the original band members and I can confirm that both Gallaghers are twats.

Le Parisien has named Franceā€™s XI to face South Africa this afternoon: Lloris, Sagna, Gallas, Squillaci, Clichy, A Diarra (cap), Diaby, Valbuena, Gourcuff, RibĆ©ry, CissĆ©. Still no Thierry Henry, and no Patrice Evra, who loses his place and his captaincy.

Itā€™s a pity Art Foley wouldnā€™t take a leaf from their books and accept his Irish roots :angry:

Surprised Gallas is still there, he was supposed to be one of the leading trouble-makers. Is Abidal suspened for today or dropped?

Not sure Hannibal but Abidal has been a liability at centre back, it is amazing to think that he was persevered with after his disasterous showing there against Italy in euro 2008

Have backed the overs in both these games

Iā€™d agree but strange if he has been dropped for this game having played in both games to date. Iā€™d say Blanc will be delighted to get rid of alot of players for qualifying for Euro 2012.

Agreed Hannibal, but also Blanc will be over the moon to be able to walk in there as a new man who has respect of the players and with the Intl team at the lowest ebb of possibly all time. It could be the easiest job in football there.



Different conflict,same struggle. :clap:

Lotta rapers in that France squadā€¦

Tony Ice-creamo calling for Wayne Rooney to be droppedā€¦