Fifth Columnists for Russia in the West

Can you rent lead-lined clothing?

The tours dont actually take you into the reactor

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Why not ?

Was only the reactor the radiation leak got to? That show on sky really overegged things so

Darwin Nunez would still miss the target.

They don’t let you off the bus.
Well, before the war that is.

That was nearly 40 years ago.

And they razed the area around it to the ground. Moved hundreds of thousands of people out. Turned over all the soil. Covered the entire reactor in concrete.

They only stay in the affected zone for a short period and stay away from things like vegetation where the radiation sorta “clumps”

A space nuke :joy::joy:

As Starfish Prime demonstrated in 1962 nuclear weapons in space are indiscriminate, meaning any detonation would do just as much damage to Russia and its allies as anyone else.

That’s probably not a great strategy Clive.