Financial advice

Do you work city centre? Bit of a trek in and out is it not? Dublin 6 rents are going through the roof.

Why the fuck would I want to work in Dublin City. I live and work on the Fingal Riveria

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Sounds like Portmarnock is fucked so.

Just before Christmas is the best time to rent as no one wants to move and landlords want to have “someone in before Christmas”. I am basing this entirely on hearsay and conjecture.

Did that two years ago mac. Then got a letter a while back saying the landlord was terminating the lease early. That’s a fair kick in the balls and wa s very stressful at the time. Avoiding the scenario of being fucked out becomes very important with two kids which is why we want to buy a gaff in porto.

You’d love it glas. Cycle path all the way along the coast to the city centre. Imagine how smug you’d feel then?

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Sure I’d be sweating by the time I arrived into work. It would completely undermine my smug attitude.

in Dublin we have showers in offices



If it’s not a stupid question, why the fuck wouldn’t you sell the place you rent out, that you have no intention of living in, and use that for a deposit on a house in fingal, or am I missing something?


I’d pay extra to stay in Porto. Corry does lettings to, doesn’t he? Ask him to keep an eye out for you, he seems on top of his game.

I wouldn’t hold onto Kinsealy in the medium or long term. Renting out is fine until you get shit tennants or you get a structural problem or something. You can deal with that if you’ve actively pursued that type of opportunity. But being incumbent in that market shouldn’t influence your decision about its suitability for you.

The housing ladder seems not to work in Ireland as no one will ever sell a house. It’s bizarre. Buy one, and cling onto it with clenched knuckles and a set jaw, and the try and save a second larger deposit and buy a second larger house. The Irish dream is three buy to lets in tirellan heights, and a family home in Newcastle, all hocked up,having scrimped through the best years of your life, but at least you’ll have something for the kids to snort after they’ve fucked you into the sunny vale old folks home at the first opportunity.



Who the fuck would want to be a landlord? life is too short…

Seriously - this has to be post of the day.

:clap: :ronnyroar:

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Be a landlord if you can afford a property that will withstand market ups and downs a lot better than others. I’m thinking Dublin City, or even London if you can manage it.*

*I don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about.

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Unless you’re a ballsy guy like me or @Mac

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Amen bro

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What is the obsession with buying a house in Ireland?

Goes without saying.