Fine Gael - Hugging The Touchline On The Right Wing?

That doesn’t answer the question. Putting aside the rights/wrongs of giving the document where is the potential corruption?

You just threw out a figure of €210m but that was agreed anyway with IMO and was going to apply to all GPs incl NAGP members.

Eh it does answer.

The question, he leaked a confidential document of a state contract worth €210m to a rival competitor who happens to be friend of his.

Corruption and cronyism at its best and one that could have had a direct impact on public spending. He is completely fucked here.


Move on lads. Nothing to see here

So what benefit did the friend get?

[quote=“Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy, post:282, topic:5555, full:true”] one that could have had a direct impact on public spending.

Humour me and ladybird that out exactly for me please. I’m not saying I disagree - I just haven’t seen anyone spell out how that could be the case

The ability to undermine a public contract before it had been ratified. NGAP or whatever they were called being a competing party to the IMO, receiving the draft contract between the state and their competitors when it was a confidential document not in the public domain and not for circulation.

The contract had not been finalised at that stage, if you look at the Irish Examiner article, it was not put to ballot until the 8th May for IMO members. So you have a competitor with a confidential contract of their rival that they seek to undermine. Why do you think the NGAP were so eager to get their hands on it?

I’m not following this at all and can’t figure out what the issue is. Leo must go though


Leo would be a huge loss to the OIUTF campaign

Can’t possibly continue

But did the gov not want the contract to be approved. This was held up as an achievement - negotiating a new deal with the GPs and enabling continued roll-out of the free care for kids?

So is the allegation that Leo wanted this contract to be undermined despite the fact that it was within his power to not agree to it anyway? And that he did it for money?

Just doesn’t make sense to me to be honest…

Nobody said Varadkar wanted this contract to be undermined, you can only speculate as to his motivations.

What is being said is that Varadkar engaged in cronyism with this friend and leaked a state contract to a rival competitor that was private and confidential. It stinks and he has to go, the optics of friends of the Taoiseach getting preferential treatment when it comes to matters like these is appalling.

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It will have been very upsetting for him to have his knowledge on Brexit matters questioned on yesterday of all days. I see he has gone back now anyway and removed his ‘like’.

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Oh Kneel.



The benefit ts that NAGP was competing with IMO for Drs memberships. If NAGP could show how “connected” they were, it would bring members over from IMO especially if they could under they’d get a better deal.

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Ok - that makes a bit more sense. But the fact the substantial points of the deal had been announced, and announced as having been negotiated by the IMO would lessen that perception of insiders surely? Like, to achieve that surely Leo would have given the document earlier, prior to public announcement or when it was under active negotiation?

Also, has the full document actually been published?

He leaked a confidential contract between an entity and the state to one of his entity’s competitors because he was pals with a connected party.

I don’t think there’s any getting around that.

I was just about to say - judging by the WhatsApp messages the immediate effect was that the NAGP was acting like a Billy Bigballs - “look how powerful I am!”


Walk us through that.

NAGP were a competing entity to the IMO.