Fine Gael - Hugging The Touchline On The Right Wing?

Lads love to think they are on the inside. These lads are the Graham Hunter of doctors.

GPs are all independent contractors. Put aside the competition issues that allow the IMO (As a representative body) negotiate for them - a deal was done and IMO were free to send to their members and ballot them to accept it or not. The other crowd involving Leo’s mate are also a representative body for GPs - a much smaller one. They should have got the document through official channels. They didn’t.


Like two trade unions are competing for members. They were two representative bodies of GPs. GPs are all independent

The deal/agreement is for all GPs and not just members of IMO.

They got it through unofficial channels, a confidential document not for circulation from the leader of the state as he was pally with one of their main men.

Even Varadkar’s lucrative spin team couldn’t even muster a credible defence in 8/9 hours yesterday.

It was negotiated by the IMO with, the NGAP are a competing entity who took no part in the negotiations.

Go figure.

I think you thought there was a state contract with IMO and other crowd lost out on it.

There was not. There was a state contract for all GPs so of whom were not members of IMO so probably felt they had a right to see the contract.

They should have got the agreement through official channels. That’s where the mistake or issue is. It may mean Leo has to go. Depends on if media decide to push it.

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You thought wrong. I’m saying that a contract between the state and the IMO was released to a rival competitor by the state’s leader as he was friends with a member of the rival competitor. This contract was confidential and not for public circulation.

It is clear that the leaking of the document could allow the rival competitor to undermine the IMO and the contract that had not been yet ratified.

You should not make assumptions in future.

I think some of Leo’s technical legal arguments are quite good, especially when he says the Corruption Act doesn’t apply to him because he’s a member of the oireachtas. The “already a public document” argument is a little less convincing maybe.

But thats all missing the point when he’s already accepted that he acted inappropriately. The Village Magazine only said he “may even” have acted illegally,it wasn’t their core allegation.

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Interesting info that

I must study the tapes. Your use of rival competitor suggests you misunderstood what had happened.

Onwards and upwards.

The document was published in full 8th may, a full month after Leo sent it. The discussions were still ongoing at the time of the leak, it was sent when the dail, health committee and IMO members hadn’t seen it.

Wait, wasn’t there something about elements of the deal announced by IMO or similar in April. Were they announced prior to the conclusion of the deal?

FWIW I don’t really think the opposition having it or not having it is that relevant.

It had subject to changes scrawled across it in Varadkar’s handwriting and was marked confidential too. He’s got to go, he’s got to get to fuck.


Elements, not the full draft document.

You don’t think that the oireacteas that holds the govt to account doesn’t see the document but that the taoiseach can send the full document to a rival of one of the parties isn’t relevant?


The “ rival”also represents GPs who had a vote on the agreement. They should have got it through formal channels.

It would be like the ASTI having an agreement but not the TUI.

IMO announced the deal on 5th April.

The real story for me here is that there are 2 advocacy bodies for GPs .

Why is this so ? And who benefits ??

Sending confidential contracts to his mates is wrong


the deal was announced, but still had to go to ballot so nothing was agreed until such time as membership voted on it.

Membership didn’t get it til 8th may

Both govt and IMO announced deal on 5th April but didn’t publish the entire doc, only headline elements

Is there a fact checked timeline of what happened here ??

I spent most of yesterday watching sport and drinking craft ale .

They are all supposed to be independent contractors. A representative body negotiating for all of them does beg some questions about competition law.

The other body (Leo mate) has now collapsed.

He’s acknowledged that it was not best practice. I think we need to move on. The planet does not care about these squabbles.