Fine Gael - Hugging The Touchline On The Right Wing?

No - not in terms of whether he stays or goes.

Giving the doc may have been illegal - I don’t know the details - and if it was he’s prob gone.

If it’s not illegal then it becomes a political question. Obv SF, SD etc jump up and down but that’s not what will really decide it - more likely the views of Greens, FF and more particularly FG. That’s why I’m querying what the alleged “corruption” element is and it’s not exactly money changing hands Bertie style and to my mind seems a bit overstated. But as I said that only comes into play depending upon the legality of giving a copy of the doc

**[quote=“TheUlteriorMotive, post:319, topic:5555, full:true”]
They are all supposed to be independent contractors. A representative body negotiating for all of them does beg some questions about competition law.

The other body (Leo mate) has now collapsed.

All fine and dandy but I thought there is a massive shortage of GPs ?

The IMO does not represent all GPs.

Should they be excluded from the process.

FF would be glad to see the back of Varadkar, who has been undermining MM regularly. SF need him in situ to preserve the Punch and Judy, US style us vs them campaign

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No, but their representative body should register as lobbyists and use the normal channels of communication.
I’m sure that the rules as set out in the lobbying act have been fully followed…

They should have. That’s the issue I think.
It may well bring Leo down - what do they say about small stuff.

Lads love to be seen to be on the inside as well.

The Chair of the IMO is not there either

True, but Leo wasn’t couriering stuff to his home address

The rules are the rules.

Nope, your miscomprehension of competing entities suggests you got the wrong end of the stick.

Leo safe.

FF saying it’s not as bad as the Village made out. They won’t be going for his head.

Yes, and the organisation is registered, therefore complying with the rules

NAGP is also registered.

But how? A deal had already been done. What difference would it have made?

I thought whoever leaked it made a mistake going to the Village if they wanted to maximise damage. The article read like a bit of an anti-Leo blog-post as opposed to reputable journalism going on about “Leo the leak” etc and over-reaching with claims of corruption. It made it easier to portray it as a political smear effort.

There’s not much upside out of this for FF either way I’d imagine. Good for opposition parties though.

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The deal still had to go to ballot.

As Paddy Cosgrave is almost certainly involved.

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Ballot of all GPs. Why do you want non IMO members excluded? Leo wanted all GPs briefed and agreeing to the deal. He’s done the country a service here by getting the GP deal over the line.

It’s sad to see Ireland reduced to this kind of smear politics.


Was this posted? I must say many of those “screenshots” look quite suspect to me.