Fine Gael - Hugging The Touchline On The Right Wing?

Must be another Paddy Ward’s demise I heard of.

Where’s that now? What’s funny is that you all laughed at Paul Krugman’a “Leperchaun Economics” statement on Ireland’s GDP but go away and use it anyway.

The real stats on Ireland’s social spending show we are middle of the EU pack. The difference between Ireland and many other EU countries is that we provide mediocre income insurance for people who will lose their jobs but have a whole suite of ongoing benefits for people who don’t want to work. I don’t have a problem with spending money on social protection, just the right areas.

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It’s just the reality pal. Even Tasc have belatedly come round to admitting that it is a very skewed stat for Ireland.

GDP spending also shows Ireland woefully underspends on Defense spending. I would advocate more defense spending, but not on the basis of GDP.

We pay 20bn in social welfare each year. We take in 20bn in income tax each year.


I’m sure you believe it, much like you believe Ireland are mid-table in terms of Corporation Tax rate. The reality is different for the latter so excuse my reluctance to believe you on the former.

It isn’t my fault that you can’t read papers.

I’m not the only one if you believe Ireland are mid table when it comes to their corporation tax rate.

UN slams Ireland for inviting in debt vultures … the usual suspects will row in to support the government here tho.

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Signing in to support the government on this.

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I’d like to pick and choose which citizens are pushed, but in theory I’m willing to give this a tentative +1

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Ireland are mid-table when it comes to fucking people out on the street. cc @Tim_Riggins

If the lazy shinner socialists think it’s a bad idea it must be a good idea.

No, mate … it’s the UN that think it’s a bad idea… No wonder the government can do as they want, their followers cant even read.

Fair enough, you think it’s a good idea.

What’s your rationale for thinking giving preference to international investors over Irish citizens is a good idea?

He’s a quisling… Head down do what he is told lickspittle.

People seem to think that those who cannot fulfil their mortgage obligations should be allowed to stay in the house indefinitely

We have a housing crisis. The government are going to spend more solving the crisis than they’ve made flogging property to vulture funds. They’ll either have to buy them back or build net new.

Outside of the humanitarian issues of homelessness it’s fiscally incorrect also. A cluster fuck, if you will


Alright mate I’m just ball hopping