Fintan O'Toole v Eoghan Harris debate: another thread ruined

Do you guys buy the line about it being a shared account?

Trade unionists and businessmen



You should know this

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I should and it might have been easy find but sometimes asking someone that knows the answer is the easiest route.

What is Scandalous is that former presenter on Newstalk Chris Donaghue is paid 101k.


Quite an extraordinary number of Business people involved…6 people?..well not quite an extraordinary number but there is quite an extraordinary number of business people interested in the site…

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Can someone bullet point this please? Harris voluntarily gave up that he runs an anonymous twitter account to snipe at SF to protect Unionists?

Why and why?

Well according to Harris he didn’t have enough of a platform in the Indo to keep attacking Sinn Fein.


How many of these have real life expertise in the areas they cover ???

Why admit it and who appointed him protector of the Shankhill road? He’s only strengthened SF with this.

Money well spent if it means the public no longer have to listen to him.


Not quite. The Indo gave him the results of a confidential opinion poll before it went to print and it ended up on the Pym Twitter account again before it went to print leading the Indo to the only conclusion available to it that Harris was blowing smoke up his own arse with this Pym account.

They sacked him. I’d say the offence was trivial enough, leading me to the conclusion that they were looking for an excuse to get rid of him.

He subsequently went on the radio and in a relatively car crash interview said that he started the Twitter account ( or site as he repeatedly called it ) to reassure Unionists. I’d say Unionists were well reassured by a looney tunes Southern columnist posting tripe while masquerading as a lady.


Fuck sake some payrise he would’ve only been on about €32k on Newstalk.

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What a gee bag.

Really? Have you made up that figure? I would have expected one of their main presenters would have been on quite a bit more than 32k.

This is the lad who scripted the “Una gan Guna” “comedy” sketch for Twink at an early 90s annual Fine Gael convention that nearly ruined the party for good. He massively overrates his talents. Why anyone pays for his services is beyond me.


The paedophile apologist part is worse to be fair

The tweet accusing Dr Ciara Kelly of being a fetishist for wearing black was clearly sexual.


He was outed on foot of a pending legal action afaik. Whoever was taking the action sent a writ demanding to know details of a certain Twitter account and it led back to Harris.
What’s scary is the number of journalists following these dummy accounts.

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