Fintan O'Toole v Eoghan Harris debate: another thread ruined

They’re on peanuts. Apart from Pat Kenny.

What the fuck have I done moving to and bringing up kids in Cork… that generation of Carkies are all massive weirdos… Gerald Kean, Hobbs, Mick Martin, Harris, Tony O’Donoghue, Dr Con Murphy…


That was the biggest thing for me. Huge amounts of Times and Indo journalists there following some anonymous loony account.

They either knew who it was or agreed with the premise of the content.

Being Ireland it’s probably a bit of both

The fella who knocked one out on the plane


Oh Jesus yeah… He’s still on the air too. Tho I think it was the lady next to him doing the tugging … Prendeville! Weird bastard.



Misogynist makes excuses for fellow misogynist

There has to be a more sinister side to Harris than what we are led to believe, is he an MI5 agent? A provocateur to stir shit?

His control of the Official IRA to infiltrate RTE is such a strange story. How can anyone that pro-Unionist, “defenders of those of Shankill Road” have ever been a member of any version of the IRA?

Why did the British Sunday Times give him such a pivotal prominence in their paper when they entered the Irish media market around 1997?

Irish journalism and media seems to be very much a clique and a closed shop.

Harris doesn’t even seem to be an intelligent man.

That made my morning. Harris is a pathological liar. “I invented the site with 5 or 6 other people, trade unionists and business people to reassure my friends Gusty Spence and David Irvine” - both dead for 10 years. Shameless lying.

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Eamonn Ryan has 8 advisors
Surely that’s excessive,

I met david irvine at a USI peace conference in Belfast where speakers from across the spectrum spoke. Irvine spoke very well even when getting hammered by Gary mcmichael.

I’d say he’d be horrified to be associated with a swivel eyed loon like Harrass

4 to keep him awake


Elaborate on McMichael’s criticisms please.

@Thomas_Brady @Fagan_ODowd
My understanding which I just picked up from scanning through twitter and might well be wrong was that there’s legal action by this Paul Larkin. This lad was attacked by the Pym account, legal action was issued and that’s how it came out. I might have this 100% wrong.

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Not much of a democrat though. It was SF’s electoral success that sent him on devious path.

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Lads there is no one down on the rota to wake up Eamo today

He gave us one one job, ONE JOB

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That read is correct.

PL’s article is excellent. And it is a measure of Harris’ toxic lunacy that he was so put out by it.

Nor was Harris a friend of David Ervine. That clown had nothing to do with the PUP.

Look at who is lining up behind Harris. RDE… Éilís O’Hanlon… Eddie Hobbs… David Quinn… They could all wear bluebottles for jewellery.