First Dates Ireland

That cunt has to be related to gedward or what ever the fuck they are called

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Quares are more likely to want to go on something like this

The english accent?

Iā€™m just waiting for panty bliss to burst out of a cake or something

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Heā€™s just taking the pissed out off this other gay ladeen

The gay lad with the massive hair has some set of eyebrows on him

He totally roasted the cunt that was on the date with himā€¦

Jolly fucking good

Who pays when gays go on a first date?

The manā€¦

They both doā€¦

Any gay posters care to answer this?


The English are the tightest cunts aroundā€¦ How does she not know thatā€¦

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Women who pull that stunt are evil cunts

Equality suits them at certain times

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The cunt, going on about his holidays in California and his fathers yacht, then gets her to pay for her own dinner :grinning:

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Exactly. Bitch move

Dint be a tight cunt on the first nightā€¦

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If he pushes it then he gets accused of not respecting womens equal standing. Lose lose scenario.

Surely the feminazis should be outraged at the notion of a man assuming or demanding he pays fo r dinner on a first date?