Thought I’d start up this thread so those of us who read posts from Rangers message board Follow Follow can share the comedy with the world on a more regular basis. These guys are deluded.
FF Vet Join Date: 29-07-2006
Posts: 355
The Three Walls.
The First Wall
There is a wonderful moment (among many) in the film A Few Good Men when Demi Moore is asked by a bemused legal researcher just why she admires the Marines so much which she is defending.
Her reply to him ends once and for all any doubts he had as to the wisdom of their quest.
" They stand on that wall and they say no-one is going to hurt you tonight - not when I am on guard"
The honour - the sense of devotion to duty - their courage - removes any lingering doubt within the legal researcher.
It may only be a film but Im sure we can all recognise the qualities Demi Moore recognised.
The film industry are not stupid - they know what appeals to audiences- the heroic qualities displayed by these Marines are qualities we would all respect and perhaps aspire to.
The Second Wall
On the 18th of December 1688 another group of men stood on a wall. But these 13 brave young men were not products of Hollywood - nor were they actors - nor was their bravery and courage stage managed .
As they shut those gates and stood on that wall they uttered the immortal words “No surrender” little did they know that their courage. their honourtheir bravery would not only inspire those within those walls.but generations yet unborn. They stood on that wall and declared that no one would hurt you - not only tonight - but for generations yet to come.
The blow which they struck for liberty that day in Londonderry however went beyond the walls of that great city in fact beyond the shores of the United Kingdom to Europe.
The siege of Londonderrythe heroic sacrifices of the inhabitants. were of significant strategic importance in securing victory for the Williamite forces.
The expanding empire of tyranny being built by Louis 14th of France and the deposed James 2nd of England was challenged by 13 young men. and a city of people courageous enough to endure the sacrifices of the subsequent siege who defied 2 kings and their armies.
The subsequent victories ensured the supremacy of Parliamentary democracy and basic freedoms of the rule of law would triumph over the theory of the Divine Right of Kings.
The Third Wall
At times over the last few years our football club has felt, at times, as if it were almost under siege. The songs we singthe anthems we declare.the banners we displaythe flags we proudly unfurlhave been the subject of much scrutiny.
It has been a painful journey at times with much soul searchingwhich has caused much inward reflection and examination of our very selves.
Many among us have argued that even change from within would not bring our clubs siege to an end. Sadly time and events have proven their predictions to be accurate.despite certain anthems and songs and banners being dropped.we have witnessed the day when the very flag of our country was no longer deemed fit to be waved.
Franklin D Roosevelt wrote
We must remember that any oppression, any injustice, any hatred, is a wedge designed to attack our civilization
And our club have certainly witnessed plenty of unjust attacksplenty of hate filled articles designed to attack the very character of this club and the people who follow her.
And as we seek to adapt and change to satisfy those… whose motives to initiate change are themselves questionablewe are in danger of losing the character… the identity which causes those with an truly objective and honest eye to look at our club and describe it as quintessentially Britishand we would do well to remember that not all people view what we stand forwhat we believe inas badas outdated or even sectarian.
We should never be ashamed of the freedoms those young apprentices sought to defend on the 18th December 1688 when they manned that wallnor the qualities they displayed as they defended themthey are the same qualities and freedoms which inspired film producers hundreds of years later.
Nor should we be ashamed to sing about them.
We have appeased those who hate us for long enough…to such a point that the club we are and what we stand for are themselves in danger of survival.
You ask, What is our policy? I will say; “It is to wage war, by sea, land and air, with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us: to wage war against a monstrous tyranny, never surpassed in the dark lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy.” You ask, What is our aim? I can answer with one word: Victory - victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory there is no survival.
(Sir Winston Churchill)
Its time for us to build and man that third wall around our cluband to defend it with all the strength God gives us.
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#2 Today, 08:12
Five Star Poster Join Date: 29-07-2006
Posts: 5,721
Re: The Three Walls.
Excellent post yet again sir.
I believe it was also FDR who said ‘the only thing we have to fear is fear itself’.
I believe too many of our own are on the run from those who hate us. But that sort of hatred has came about because of a long game of propaganda.
I’m telling you, Goebells himself would have been proud to call himself a yahoo, such is their body of work.
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#3 Today, 08:16
FF Vet Join Date: 29-07-2006
Posts: 355
Re: The Three Walls.
You know Bro its funny - so many posts about our treatment find the Nazis treatment of the Jews - used as an apt comparison.