Friday Fashion Thread aka The blind leading the blind

You shoulda said hi

The bucket hat and shorts look is currently ubiquitous in the environs of Dundrum

If it ain’t broke

I’ll leave it to our sisters on Tattle Life to discuss the equally ubiquitous look.

The last night of holidays garms with talent show and fireworks. It’ll be like Sunday in Witnness

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You chould complement that with a pencil case covered in badges

This is the way it’s gone in France now. Suit in the window of the Eden Park shop in Rouen.

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No waistcoat?

In fairness, there are some things the continentals like that you just wouldn’t get away with here. White pants or white jeans on men, or any other loud colour.
Shoes with no socks. Sorry lads, it’s rank on pasty white legs in 10 degrees.

Looking for a cap, and not a Top Oil, or Hogan Oil, or Animal Feed company roaster cap.
I notice the trucker style hats, or anything with a bit of plastic on it has been pretty uncomfortable and sweaty.
Are there all cotton caps, or something half decent that wouldn’t be uncomfortable and irritating the minute there’s a bit of heat?

Nice bit of air at the back of these.

Few different designs too

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Sterkowski, the go to for a proper cap.


Fine hoodie for you @Heyyoubehindthebushes

Penneys hun


Anyone spied one of these for sale in an Irish shop? Can’t find em online…

You’re in Limerick right?
JDs do that brand, so does the shop alongside Schu (to the left as you’re facing it)in the crescent, don’t know the name of it

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Tailor of Blue

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It’s a WAAAA brand then :slight_smile:

Despite the weather change, I’m still in shorts day in/day out. Can’t make myself to go back to the jeans.
Meeting herself for a lunch date and she unhappy with my casual attire. Such is life

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Photo of legs or TNH

I only provide that kind of material online for top dollar kid


Are brown roaster shoes still the go to for a blue suit :thinking:

Interview already :grinning: