Friday Fashion Thread aka The blind leading the blind

Mine are a fiver on ebay mate.

Most lads would not have the confidence to wear them.

Any lads with kids making communions this year could take some fashion queues here for the big day. Maybe not the whole outfit as that would be too much.

Jackie Tyrell wore a three piece suit and no tie :joy:

What about untuckit shirts lads? Yea or neh?

What kind of a fucking thing is this at all @TheUlteriorMotive.

A woman Fagan.

Are you sure?

I’m fairly sure. :grimacing:

Cc @Tassotti

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I wont even ask what you were reading to come across that…

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He googled “black man massive bellend”

I hope it wasn’t Limerick togs shitting.

cc @TheUlteriorMotive

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I was out for a spin of the bike there with a 3 inch short on and a running vest, with the recent good weather I have a savage tan, jesus the amount of women and men giving me the eyes was unreal, absolutely unreal actually

cc @TheUlteriorMotive


What’s a 3 inch short? Is that like a rich butt?