Friends of the Forum “Ewan” MacKenna and “Miguel” Delaney have fallen out on twitter over Ewan’s “Japs eyeing last 8 place” pun. Several people found it offensive and Ewan is seething. I’ve never seen someone get involved in so many bizarre twitter spats as our Ewan.
Edit: I fear that Harm’s tenure as a FOTF ought be rescinded. Himself & Herself came across as the most insipid boring pair of dullards I’ve seen in years.
I’d have sympathy for their sprogs - a household gripped by isobars ain’t for many these days. Harm is probably harmless enough but the Bean an Tí should be bate round the head with a wet dishcloth.
It’s very twee stuff. “Hup the Banner”. “Aboy Shaneo”. “Come on the men.” Etc etc. I knew such tweets wouldn’t have been posted by a Fingal Riviera resident. Thanks for confirming.