Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

He justified it by saying he was a gentle tattooist.

One argument is that the atomic bombs were dropped to end the war before the Soviets arrived.

I donā€™t remember any disquiet and Iā€™m pretty sure I dealt with one of the inmates at the counter. I had no inkling of any stigma or anything. It was just there. It was an odd part of town. Kind of like a religious quarter. There were two ā€œconventsā€ (mother and baby homes), our school (primary and secondary), a monastery, the parish priests house for Ballybricken, and two religious run old folks home all more or less in the one city block. We kind of took it all for granted and didnā€™t really think about it. Occasionally the brothers or some priests would come to the school looking for vocations but otherwise it didnā€™t impinge on us.

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My understanding regarding the guards at concentration camps, particularly at Auschwitz, was that they were offered opt-outs to doing some of the more ā€œhands-onā€ tasks. My source for this is the excellent Browning book ā€œOrdinary Menā€ (an absolutely harrowing read that gets more horrific the more you think about it).

Now Iā€™m not sure this arrangement was in place in Sachsenhausen but I cant see why it wouldnā€™t be. Maybe this lad did opt-out as the article said he is being prosecuted for being ā€œawareā€ that the killings were happening. Iā€™m not sure whether he could have done much about it. That said itā€™s hard for society to move on without everyone even remotely involved with death camps being tried.


They only stopped due to the threat of being raped off the map by the Soviets, the nukes didnā€™t actually stop the war. The firebombing of Tokyo was worse than either of the nukes anyway.

Unit 731 was arguably worse than anything the Nazis had, nightmare fuel

The Germans did.


Iā€™m open to correction on this, but is their position not that they are a new country and so not responsible for the crimes of Nazi era Germany and so they refuse to pay reparations?

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I think they were paying them up until relatively recently

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In fairness the Germans had some of the most impressive leaders post WW2. Adenauer, Brandt, Schmidt, Kohl and Merkel were all titans.


Tuamā€™s finest Padraig Stevens has a very moving song on the subject.

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Who did they pay reparations to? I know itā€™s a bugbear of a few countries that the Germans gave them nothing. The Greeks were looking for reparations during the crisis.

Havenā€™t they been funding the EU for sixty years?

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Great to see the boys here doing a bit of schooling

Those acid attacks are worse than attempted murder. Thereā€™s something very sinister, malicious and calculated about the intent to make someone live the rest of their life with a disfigurement or disability. If it was an assault or murder or an attempted murder you could argue in some cases that it was a rush of blood to the head or moment of madness but the levels youā€™d have to go to source the acid and plan the attack is horrific.

Every time I hear about one of these acid attacks it puts a shiver down my spine.

Poor girl.


Iā€™ve had an uneasy sleepless 24 hours mulling over my label as ā€œquiet guyā€ of the forum.
Do I need to start throwing a few more fucks into people or what?


pick an inoffensive person or sport, express bile towards them