Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

I’ll do my best.

Now, what thread is @myboyblue posting on lately?

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All of them.


I watched the whole movie again last night and there’s a few items of note.

Bruno Ganz is of course a genius. Hitler was just basically mad.

Traudl Junge, his secretary was classified as a “young follower” whatever that means. Surely she typed out the death notices for six million Jews. How did she get away scot free and now they’re trying to bring a 96 year old camp secretary to trial.

Did Goebells wife really kill the children like that? If true she certainly was a nasty bit of stuff.

It’s extremely cowardly as well, amongst everything else.

Throw a jar of acid at someone and then leg it.

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It’s a great movie but that’s just one depiction of Hitler. It’s just one actor or director’s interpretation of the character.

Downfall has become controversial in Germany in recent years because it seems to almost give an insanity defence to Hitler. In the movie he has almost a mental breakdown in the face of his impending death but that doesn’t mean he was mad. Lots of sane people might have mental breakdowns when faced with the inevitability of their own death.

Any fucker doing this should get life in prison.


fuck the life sentence, sentence them using sharia law punishments

That’ll be on the back burner for another generation

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You can chalk that down. All this guff comes under the heading “lofty aspirations”.
Government everywhere churn out these plans and saps get exercised over them.

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These bastards won’t last 12 months

Why not

:grinning: You’re a terrible man.

Continuing the German theme…

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That’s how I imagine @Fagan_ODowd to look like.

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The one on the left or the right?

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That’s very funny.

The right.

But now you’ve planted a Heike Dreschler seed that threatens to overrun my brain like Japanese knotweed

Well if u can’t see the writing on the wall then you’re nor looking

Country wants these parasites gone

last opinion poll had the current government with the same percentage that got them elected

I dont think we are half way through the term yet, why would they want another election

Just catching up on this thread now. So eliminating an entire city with the dropping of a bomb did not mean to convey the message that if you don’t do what we say we will drop more and eliminate all of you! So maybe not genocide but the threat of it. To get a countey in line! If the japs had kept fighting and they had been obliterated would we no be calling that a genocide?