Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

There are now. You should throw a few lentils down you every time you eat a swan for the sake of lads like @Batigol

I’ll raise a ticket


Did you sort the metal detector on Lane 12 yet?

Tickets can be found in each of the cubicles I assume

The fella who does the captions for Virgin soccer. John Stones scores a goal caption “Hail Stones”. Hungary string a couple of passes together “Very Hungary”. Is this shit necessary.

Lighten up


Fagan O’Dowdy

Gerry Armstrong with his ‘Let’s have a looksy’ before a video replay of an incident grinds my gears. You’re commentating to the nation, not helping your grandson with his homework, Gerry


In excess of 60,000 euros
Fucking witches.


It’s a ridiculous amount of money but is it not also very odd that they both fractured their ankles in basically the same way? I presume the injuries would have been verified by a medical professional?

Yeah, getting on one of those children’s swings with the high sides and cage around. I hope they got absolutely shafted by legal fees.
If I injure myself by running head first into a wall, should I blame the builders for putting it there?

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Running into a wall might sort you out proper.

But my injuries were seen by a medic.
Where’s my money?


On the otherside of the wall. Try running harder this time.

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Scamming tramps

Spray painted plants in Lidl.
Don’t buy them please.
It’s cruelty to plants.

Fuck those plants, they had it coming.

Echeverias are already beautiful.
They don’t need paint.


I will always bow to @habanerocat superior knowledge on hothouse flowers.