Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Itā€™s all about Teminal Dues mate.

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Thanks. It touched on the subject there a little in relation to imbalance between the US and China.

But I suppose the real question is the difference in postal costs between Ireland and Portugal. Why is it so expensive here?

A postman in Ireland starts at about 30k a year.

A postman in Portugal starts at about 12k a year.

name a country and @TheUlteriorMotive will know the starting salary for a postman


In the time it took you to type that you could have made a meaningful contribution to the forum.

Get your shit together.

yes, im itching to get involved in the covid 19 thread to make a meaningful contribution


That would explain a lot.
Iā€™ve noticed a lot of post women over there also. Probably part time.

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My auld lad was a postman for 40 years.They were on a lot more than 30k back then.

Itā€™s dog eat dog in there tonight. Best leave it to the morning.

He hasnt done so in a decade I donā€™t know why heā€™d start now


The Jordan pietersen thread the last few days was gold ā€¦ the amount of lads calling eachother dumb was unraleā€¦

That was for the Things That Are Right thread.

A starting postman doesnt start on 30k now.

I heard that,itā€™s nearly a minimum wage job now.
The P+T used to be a great job once upon a time

The fellas doing the rural electrification weā€™re like gods tipping around the country

A wexican was caught similarly last weekend.

Whoa now a second, the hardships they faced were incredible. It was, in the main, manual labour - digging, dragging and mullocking while trying to make quotas.

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Yerra Shur they had every mother in the country delivering them their daughters at the town lines, rock stars


Do you think a postman in Ireland should earn less than 30k?

Postperson, guys. Sheesh

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